Volunteer Work

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Scott POV

Courtney refused to believe that Duncan had anything to do with the video. Even though it was so obvious he was responsible someway. I hated how much trust she still had in him but understood they were close friends. Speaking of close friends Anne Maria got a boyfriend.

Mikes older brother Vito was a cool guy. Even though he was always topless and kind of a prick, I was happy for Anne Maria. I found out when I went over to her farm to invite her to karaoke.

Vito was in the driveway posing coolly by his old sports car he probably fixed smoking a cigarette. He reminded me of the guys from Jersey Shore. Especially with the accent and his style.

"Ay Scotty boy I saw your video." He said as I approached him. I turned red when I realized that a college student saw one of my most intimate moments. "It was hot." 

"Baby Scott was only kissing her. He's a sweet boy." Anne Maria said walking over and kissing Vito on the cheek.

"Yeah, we only kissed." I said looking at Anne Maria and Vito.

"You still have balls dude." He said putting up his hand to fist pump me. I accepted the gesture. I felt bad for Zeke. While he did hook up with girls in LA he still loved Anne Maria. But I was glad that Anne Maria moved on. Even though she'd be busier I knew that we still were best friends.

Going into the next week things died down. Beth and Tristan's scandal was being talked about. So were rumors about Alejandro escaping prison with the raccoons he got into a gang fight with. Plus, me and Courtney were doing great and were still very much in the honey moon stage of our relationship. I thought nothing could go wrong.

That was until I was gripping a letter from Dawn in my hands as I sat on my bedroom floor. She must've finally gotten the letter.  I opened the elegant looking envelop and pulled out a piece of paper.

Dear Scott,

I only got the letter you wrote me a couple of weeks ago and I'm sorry for responding late. I'm guessing you wrote this in eighth grade. I can't believe you actually had feelings for me. I thought that my aura reading was off or something. Anyway, I kind of liked you too back then. Even if you were mean to me. I do remember that one time you made me a flower bouquet in fourth grade and I got little butterflies. Also do you remember seeing me at my flute concert a few weeks back.

Love Dawn

I blushed looking at the letter. Dawn liked me back. Even before I liked her, she had feelings for me. And she didn't seem resentful about the bullying. Suddenly I slapped myself. I have a girlfriend. I shouldn't be so excited about this.

I decided not to write back. I wouldn't see her anytime soon.... But a letter would be nice. No, I have a boyfriend. I slapped myself again.

The next day we were supposed to choose a volunteering program. As me and Courtney walked through the halls holding hands, I told her Dawn wrote back.

"She did?" Courtney asked with some jealously in her eyes. "That's just like Dawn she's super polite and sweet. She'd probably feel guilty if she didn't. Was it interesting?"

"Nope." I lied. "What are you volunteering for?" I asked as we walked into the cafeteria.

"I'm working at the Nursing Home. My grandma lives there plus I love the elderly." Courtney said smiling. "Join me?"

"I was actually thinking about the Petting Zoo." I said. "You know how good I am with animals so I thought it would be fun."

"It is the perfect job for you." Courtney nodded. "Yeah, go for it. Bridgette is volunteering too." She gave me kiss on the cheek and walked away.

To All The Girls I Loved Before (Total Drama)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora