Wolf and Jake's relationship

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    I want to know it. I really do, because, to me at least, it doesn't seem like their relationship is like the other ones between the high school heads in The Union. Now, I'm definitely not saying that they are secretly married and adopted a puppy together, I'm just saying that they might know each other better than we think.

  Proof number one: "I'm not a pushover like Jake". Wolf said this in chapter 105. This means that he doesn't have a good opinion about my orange haired angel. (How could you not love him, man?) The thing is, Jake doesn't attend a lot of Union meetings so this might mean that either Wolf thinks like this because he's a lazy brat, or they interacted outside The Union at least once.

  Proof number two: "It'll be nice to see Jimmy Bae for the first time in forever... And Forrest", Jake said this in chapter 47. Who's the only high school head (aside from "mister Na", who he mentioned before) whose name he didn't say? Wolf Keum. This means either that they met outside The Union or that Kingsley just interrupted him.

  Now, with these things in mind, we know that they might have a more complex relationship than we thought... and that I have nothing better to do than write my conspiracy theories in a random Wattpad book. And before you start to question my sanity, chapter 47 is one of my favorites simply because Jake is so relatable there. Also, the battle between Jimmy and Wolf, my favorite in the entire Webtoon, is happening in chapters 105 and 106, so I read again and again those two, because they're awesome.

  To conclude all this nonsense: I want more moments between Wolf and Jake and I wanna know more about their relationship.

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