Depuis le début

Louis didn't move, but his blood was roaring like fires of hell. He wanted blood! He wanted to kill that beast and kill everything and everyone who had ever harmed his Harry.

He finally understood Harry's fears and reservations. The reason he preferred to run away just because he believed he could not survive a relationship. Why he could not afford to trust. The bitter word itself was so vile and disgusting that Louis felt nauseous just by hearing it. The thought of a child enduring that, experiencing that, it was unimaginably cruel and heartbreaking!

The world was a bad place for omegas. He had seen Zayn suffering when he was younger. But it never became easier to deal with it.

"Why are you crying?" Harry's soft voice pulled him out of his blood-filled haze, only to realize that his cheeks were wet. But he was even more surprised to see Harry.

"Why are you not?" Louis asked in a broken voice. Harry was trembling, but not one tear came out of his eyes.

Harry went to pull away from him but Louis held on tighter, gently rubbing circles into his back to calm him down. To calm both of them down.

"Guess after twelve long years, I don't have anymore tears left to cry." Harry confessed sadly. His eyes still not meeting his gaze.

"Oh Harry!" Louis broke down and buried his face into Harry's neck. "I'm so sorry!" He muttered continuously while Harry caressed his back soothingly. The irony of the situation left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

"How is it, that it's you who suffered through everything, yet it is me who is in need of comforting?" Louis asked, as he pulled back slightly. It simply didn't make any sense!

Harry was quiet for a moment, carefully watching his face. "... Because you felt my pain Lou. All that pain... I have gotten used to it. You haven't."

Louis bit his lips. No one should get used to it. And for Harry to trust him enough to reveal this part of him, was an honor he would never take lightly. Just him being next to him was an invaluable gift.

"How did I get so lucky to have someone like you fall in love with me?" Louis asked, honest and sincere.

Harry shook his head and chuckled, the sound was like music to his ears. "Believe me Louis, you made it too easy..... Besides, it's me who is lucky!" He stated with finality.

"After losing my innocence, I had thought that I had lost the chance of having any sort of love or intimacy in my life. I was so scared, of everyone. S-scared to trust... not just the other person but myself too... But you, Louis, you gave it all to me. You didn't give up on me! You waited for me for eight long months, and still loved me the same. As if I was perfect!"

"You are perfect!" Louis planted and firm and stabilizing kiss on Harry's lips before pulling his face up by his chin. Their eyes finally connecting. "For you Harry, I would wait a thousand years, and more! And you didn't lose your innocence! How could you, when you were never guilty? If there is anyone who lost their innocence, it was that devil!"

Louis gasped as he fell down on his back when a heavy weight hit him squarely. Harry had jumped into him and was hugging him tight! For a moment, Louis was bewildered, but then he felt Harry's shoulder shaking. Cool wet drops slid down his neck.

He was finally crying.

"Thank you..." Harry voice was so weak, yet so strong at the same time. "You don't know how much I needed to hear that... Thank you."

Louis planted a reassuring kiss on his forehead and squeezed him tightly to ground him, and to remind Harry that he was always there for him no matter what! "You can trust me Harry. Just like I trust you... Remember Timora?"

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