
She wanted to have a significant other but everything was holding her back... These were the early parts of me and Akihiko's Relationship before he completely changed... I'm glad that Juri never saw what me and him became after all those months... She was satisfied with just me... I really wished I told her that I really cherished her more before she died....

"A little couple's moment, At least she's happy while I found Y/N's former admirer, Yuki, she was here too, I got to talk to her and she's planning to move to Aoba Johsai in Sendai when we get to high-school well as if I'd survive through high-school

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"A little couple's moment, At least she's happy while I found Y/N's former admirer, Yuki, she was here too, I got to talk to her and she's planning to move to Aoba Johsai in Sendai when we get to high-school well as if I'd survive through high-school..."


I miss her. I miss her so much. I sighed and put away the photos along with the diaries, I need to clear my head. I went downstairs and got some bread from the kitchen before I went to the stables and took Ivory for a run in the forest. I'm deeply disappointed at Kenma, I never thought he'd snoop through my things. I headed into the cottage and just sat there thinking to myself, I was seriously aching in every part of my body, I left my phone at home and I stayed in the cottage for a good 30 Minutes, I went back to the mansion since I felt tired. My head was spinning and I just wanted to get my room at this point.

Lucky me! Kenma pulls me back "We need to Talk." He said but in al seriousness, I didn't want to at the moment, He looked through my stuff and I am in no condition to be in a argument, I was about to respond but his phone rang, I caught a glimpse of the caller "Himari", I felt my heart sink, I wanted the ground beneath me to just swallow me up and burry me alive at that very moment, I really didn't want to jump to conclusions but I heard her voice, that damned voice! As soon as I heard it I felt as if I'm back to where I was 2 years ago, My mind blurred everything out, Muffled voices, unclear eyesight, I felt uneasy, slightly queasy, Everything was loud and unclear but everything was going so fast, I wanted to be out of here.

I stumbled back, I hit the table that tipped over the vase of flowers, It shattered and made everything worse, Tears brimmed my eyes "I-I am sorry, I don't h-have time." I managed to say before I stumbled up to my room, I locked myself inside, I leaned on the door and sunk to the floor as I cried silently to myself. I crawled under my sheets and stayed there until I fell asleep. I woke up hours later, I've been in this room for 4 hours, It was already 8PM. I took a deep sigh, I still felt horrible, I assumed the worst but nothing else could explain it. A knock was heard on my door "It's Kitaro..." He said, I got up and dragged my feet to the door, I opened it and Kitaro stood there with a very concerned look "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head 'no', he sighed and nodded "We have paperwork, do you wanna use that to keep your mind of things?" He asked and I nodded, I went to my office and Kitaro went to his to get the paperwork I needed.

I am certainly cursed. My office was just down the hall from the shared bedroom, I passed by the kitchen and Kenma was sitting there looking down on his phone. I looked away and and just got some snacks and food from the kitchen "Y/N-" "Not now." I cut him off, that seemed to tick him off, I took my food and was about to exit the kitchen "Just hear me out!" He exclaimed "I said Not Now!" I said without sparing him a glance, we barely had any fights in the past but this one really cuts deep, this one hurts. I felt my tears slowly building up but I refused to cry, I went upstairs "Y/N could you just listen!?" He yelled as he followed my "NO! Call Himari if you want to have someone listen to you!" I exclaimed "That's a lot coming from you! You kept secrets from me all this time! You promised me to always-!" "YOU PROMISED ME TOO!" I cut him off as I literally yelled on the top of my lungs, Tears were falling down my face as I turned to him after I slammed the tray of food on the table in my office, He was shocked, he rarely saw me like this, I looked down at the floor "It wasn't just me who kept secrets, you kept secrets too." I said lowly as my hands clenched into fists "Would you just let me explain?" He asked "I'm sorry but I need space right now." I said, my words went against myself, I was silently contradicting myself. I felt bad for doing this but this is what the both of us need, we needed time to think.

I turned away, I heard a faint sob as he left the room, Kitaro placed the papers on the table and left immediately, The moment that the door closed was the moment I fell to the floor crying, I managed to make myself stop after a couple minutes, I went to the bathroom and washed my face, I dried off and focused all my attention on my papers. My phone vibrated and I checked it out, "Kodzuken is streaming!", I decided to check it out, He didn't notice me join in but I just watched. It was going well until I saw a familiar name join in. Reji_Himari. I immediately left the server and turn my phone off, I heard rattling down the hall, I got up, grabbed my phone and ran downstairs in really fast pace, Footsteps followed after me, I get to my room, I didn't bother to close my door, I grabbed a few essentials and rushed downstairs ignoring Kenma's pleads, I grab my motorcycle keys and helmet, Kenma tried to stop me by wrapping his hands around me, I squirmed and didn't say a word at all. I got him off and went to the garage and got on my motorcycle and my bag on my back, Kenma was yelling my name but I just needed to think things through. I rode off.

I ended up in Koto-Ku by Arakawa River, I called Akane, she said that she'd be waiting for me at her house, I was free to stay there but right now, I'm sitting on the grass and just staying in the darkness with the emptiness in me. I didn't say anything to the family because I knew they'd over react. My location was off, I blocked everyone except for Akane, Chiasa, Kitaro, Natsuko and Mirai. I checked the time and it was already 11PM, I sighed and got up, I rode to Akane's place and she let me in. I flopped down the couch "What happened?" She asked as she offered me a glass of water "Me and Kenma just had a fight..." I mumbled as I took the glass, she comforted me and even invited Chiasa over. They tried their best to cheer me up, they took my phone and motorcycle keys after they hid my motorcycle in the garage.

'We just need time to think things through... just a bit of space.'

I fell asleep beside my bestfriends.

~Kenma's POV~
Y/N left again, How long have I been crying? After she left I just locked myself in our room. I ended my stream after I got back inside, they saw tears fall as I turn off the stream, I've been trying to get in contact with her but she blocked me.

Damn it Himari! You ruin everything.

I hate this... it's like I'm back to 2 years ago... I never wanted any of this to happen, I just wanted to know what happened and why she kept it from me but I was being selfish at the wrong time, I should've thought about her too, she must've been tired and stressed and I just agitated her more...

She got hurt and I got too wrapped around the fact that she hid something from me and ran off with another guy before Dawn.

I held onto her ring, I fell asleep crying, I left my phone open in case she calls or sends me a message, she just wanted space right? She won't leave right? She wouldn't do that... right?

We made a promise...

I swear I'll do anything just to get her back... I can't loose her.

Word Count:2830

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