Special Chapter 1

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"Well, they are perfect killing machines, as Creator said. They don't have sentience and only rely on commands sent by him or those he appointed... save it for some." Birkin explained, his voice shaking a bit from the prowess Dimitrescu sends out.

"Commands huh, maybe I can get some permission from Creator to at least command one of the Tyrants." Dimitrescu said, staring at the Thanatos model, probably the tallest Tyrant, standing twelve feet tall.

"Who controls these creatures?" Dimitrescu asked, wanting to speak to them.

"They are controlled by what Creator has called our military officers. He split the Tyrants into three groups. Four for Ms. Rachel Foley, four for Mr. Sergei Vladimir, and five for Mr. Piers Nivans." Birkin answered truthfully, looking around for the generals.

"I know Heisenberg has one of these Tyrants. He's been bragging it to me ever since he got it." Dimitrescu said in anger, hence why she is "shopping" for a Tyrant.

"Ah. Mr. Heisenberg has the T-A.L.OS. Model. It's a heavily weaponized Tyrant totally different from these ones in front of you." Birkin said. He looked down for a second and stretched his neck. Talking to someone really tall for a long time has its toll.

"And whom of these Tyrants do you prefer. I need to defeat what Heisenberg has so he'd stop bragging it every time we meet." Alcina asked, irritated at Heisenberg's standoffish behavior.

"I'm not really an expert, Lady Dimitrescu, but if you want to defeat T-A.L.O.S. I prefer the Ivan Models. They come in two colors, blue and red." Birkin answered. The shakiness of his voice still hasn't disappeared.

"Don't be nervous, William. I'm not going to bite." Alcina chuckled, finding the man's reaction hilarious.

"Might I be frank, Lady Dimitrescu? Creator warned all men here about your hate for men." William said, voicing out his thoughts as to not lie to the lady.

"Well... even though I have a distaste for man-things, you are quite the specimen, I dare say. You are professionally outfitted. Even the way you talk has some professionalism to it." Alcina complimented, really seeing something different in Birkin than the other men she had the chance to talk to.

"Thank you for the kind words, Lady Dimitrescu." Birkin thanked, only a few acknowledge his presence here, considering he doesn't look that intimidating, only those who have seen his mutation take him seriously.

"Please, call me Alcina." Alcina smiled. A fly flew past the two, catching the camera's attention. It followed the fly, stumbling onto the three sisters, sitting down under a tree.

"Looks like mother has fallen in love for a man-thing." Cassandra laughed as the fly landed on her hand and joined the swarm.

"It's not that surprising... there are many attractive men here." Bela said, twiddling her thumbs.

"Holy shit! Is that Moreau!?" Daniela pointed to a blonde guy wearing a tacky business outfit.

"He got an upgrade! Though... he still looks stupid." Cassandra added. Bela got pissed by the two and smacked them both.

"That's not Moreau, you dunces. That's Ricardo Irving, a Subject on the seventh floor." Bela exclaimed. The two stared at each other and started laughing.

"Why do you know him so much? Do you have a crush on him?" Daniela laughed, rolling on the ground in joy after teasing Bela, who just wanted to read silently.

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