Beach Day (All V3 Characters)

Start from the beginning

That night, you convinced Kaito to sneak down to the beach with you. It was closed by now, but you two managed to slip by security and find a secluded spot on the pier to use the telescope you brought to look at the stars. You spent a long time picking out constellations and planets before the shine of a flashlight sent you scrambling back to your cabin.


Kaede Akamatsu

Kaede's personality shines as bright as the sun- something that helped since you didn't see the sun once while you were at the beach. The five-day weather forecast predicted warm, sunny days, but you ended up getting a cooler, cloudier weather since whatever God is out there decided to cosmically prank you.

The breeze that blew in made you and Kaede feel a little chilly, so you encouraged her to get a little heat via exercise. Since there were plenty of activities to do, you and her set out to try them all.

The beach volleyball game was no real competition for you. Kaede picked up on it quickly, and you two became a force to reckon with. The frisbee match was more laid-back and you and Kaede had a lot of fun chasing the frisbee around (even after you accidentally launched it into the water). The most fun thing was waterskiing. The adrenaline rush you got as the jet ski pulled you around was exhilarating, and Kaede looked like she was having a blast piloting the jet ski. She even asked if you two could come back to do that again, something you eagerly agreed to.

Maki Harukawa

You took notice of something very interesting when you and Maki met up to get on the ferry- she was wearing a bikini, which you didn't expect- you pegged her as a more of a one piece girl.

After you put away your wandering eye, you tried your best to psyche Maki up, but her stony attitude didn't waver even after the ferry arrived at the island. You didn't give up though, and continued to excitedly talk about the beach and all the fun things you could do there. Maki didn't end up exploding into maniacal glee, but you saw her cracking a smile every once and a while, which was enough for you for now.

Himiko Yumeno

You and Himiko were happy to spend some time together at the beach, and you wasted no time hitting the sand after literally throwing your bags into your cabin. A little sunscreen applying later, and you and Himiko were ready for some fun.

First up, you and Himiko went to the water to do some swimming and playing around. After being thoroughly soaked in the salty water, you set up a beach umbrella and some towels to relax, eat some of the food you brought, and hopefully get a nice tan (and not end up with a burn as red as your girlfriend's hair).

Your time on the beach was cut short however when someone got knocked out underwater and had to be carried to a mainland hospital via a helicopter. You felt bad for them, but it also killed the mood and lots of people left the beach for the day. Luckily the next day you and Himiko had a drama-free day (and you found out later that the person who went to the hospital recovered).

Kirumi Tojo

Taking Kirumi to the beach meant that you got to enjoy the warm skin on her hands- a rarity you cherish every time you get the chance. Going to the beach also meant that you had to keep Kirumi from cleaning the cabin herself since you were there to take a load off, not do chores.

When you finally coaxed Kirumi into leaving the cabin alone, you took her to the beach where there were lots of people crowding the sands. You found an unoccupied spot to set up your stuff while you silently fumed at yourself for not picking a different weekend to visit.

Despite the noise and large crowd, Kirumi relaxed herself pretty quickly, and nearly dozed off at once point since she said the sound of the sea was enough to make her fall asleep. You positioned your umbrella over her so she wouldn't get burnt, and told her to nap if she wanted to. While she was having a snooze, you decided to surprise her and began to put all your subpar artistic skills to use and built a sandcastle in the shape of your home back in Argentina. When she awoke, she asked about your little creation, and you told her one day you'd like to take her there and show her your home. Her hand took yours and she smiled, saying she'd like that very much.

Angie Yonaga

You and Angie were both born and bred by the sea, and the call to visit it was strong, so you two took an impromptu trip to Jabberwock Island to scratch that itch.

Angie's casual clothes already resembled a bathing suit, so you weren't shocked when her swimsuit looked barely any different from her casual wear.

Of course, Angie wasted no time in practically dragging you to the ocean. As soon as the waves hit your ankles, it was like being home again. Angie's enthusiastic attitude was also super infectious, and you found yourself laughing and splashing around in the water with your girlfriend, relishing in the relief the water provided from the heat.

After your hands turned pruney, you and Angie left the water for a little while. Angie quickly made a sculpture of Atua out of sand, and asked if you'd like to pray with her. You indulged her, and she thanked the deity for the chance to be here with you- you weren't big on her religion, but you always blushed anytime you heard her thank Atua for bringing you to her.

Tenko Chabashira

Tenko started off your weekend acting a little standoffish because she got annoyed any time a guy checked her out. You encouraged her to ignore them and instead focus on you. She seemed to like that suggestion since she hoisted you over her shoulder and ran to the pier where a diving competition was taking place.

After recovering from the dizzy spell you got from being carried by Tenko, you watched Tenko take on the other people there in the competition. She did pretty well, but she urged you to give it a shot. You were reluctant at first, but she convinced you to try. You leaped off the pier in a standard swan dive. You got water up your nose, but the embrace and praise you got from Tenko eased the pain from your burning nostrils for a couple of seconds.

Neither of you won the competition, but the rest of your weekend was full of much more excitement (and more forces shoulder rides from Tenko as well).

Miu Iruma

Miu is a horndog fully clothed, so it was no surprise that she upped the sexual jokes when she saw you in your swimwear. You weren't wearing anything fancy, but she felt the need to comment on basically every curve of your body. You didn't mind the extra attention, so you let her get away with it.

Putting on your sunscreen turned into a much longer affair than you thought since Miu took her sweet time helping you rub the lotion on your back. You decided that two could play that game, and went even slower when you helped her with yours. The rest of the weekend was spent in a friendly competition between the two of you to see who could be the most annoying and/or sensual with the other. You definitely won in your opinion, since nothing could top you lightly whipping her on the butt with some stray seaweed that washed up on the beach.

Tsumugi Shirogane

Some people might say your choice to wear a wetsuit to the beach was a weird one, but you were entering a windsurfing competition and figured that was the best thing to wear. Also you looked sexy as fuck in it, and you're gonna strut what you got, damn it!

Tsumugi chose to wear a peach-colored bikini. You never expected to see her in peach anything, but she rocked the color better than anyone ever could (you told her this and made her blush).

Fashion choices aside, the beach was warm, but not overly hot, so you didn't worry too much about getting too bad of a burn if the sunscreen wasn't enough (Tsumugi was worried however, since she's pale as a ghost). So you encouraged her to make use of the beach umbrella you brought. You ended up using mostly to hide all the making out you ended up doing from the other beachgoers. When you weren't sucking each other's faces, you were exploring the beach and trying to find interesting things. Aside from a secluded cave away from most of the other people there (that you and her definitely took advantage of) the most interesting thing you found was a set of barracuda bones laying in a tide pool in the cave (that you took home).

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