And You My Love, Healed Me!

Start from the beginning

"Is there someone else too?" Anna asked and was about to look at the back of the door when Aayush kissed her!

As much I'm relieved now, I'm smirking looking at Aayush!

He gestured me to move inside the door as he pulled Anna on himself !!

I ran inside the room!

"Aayush! What are you doing" Anna asked while I looked at woman sleeping peacefully in the room!

She's in deep sleep!!

"I missed you baby" Aayush said and Anna huffed

"So you came here all along just for a kiss?" Anna asked 

Shit shit!!

What will he say now!!

"! Actually you see actually..." Aayush tried to say 

"Actually what?" Anna asked

"Actually..yes!!! Kabeer has a meeting in Udaipur so I told him to drop me here! I'll enjoy a bit with you and he'll pick me up after half an hour from here only" he lied and I sighed

For the first time in my life, I'm proud of my best friend!!

And that's for lying so smoothly !!

"Awe! That's so sweet of you Aayu baby!Let's go inside" Anna told and I looked horrified at door.

"No!!!!" Ayaush yelled and Baani stood up shocked and was about to scream when I came out from back facing her back too and shut her mouth!!

"Hey easy there Angel ! It's me! Kabeer. Please don't  shout okay " I whispered and she instantly closed her eyes!

"I'm dreaming! " She mumbled and I chuckled

"Aayush! Why not" Anna's voice came again 

"What's happening?" Baani asked still her eyes closed and I came in front.

She really took the ritual very serious!

"Anna! Let's go for a romantic walk in garden! I want to spend some time alone with you sweetheart" Aayush said and I suppressed my laughter.

"Okay! Let me lock the door!" She said when Aayush yelled again

"No!!" he yelled

"What the hell is wrong with you Aayush" Anna shouted this time

"Baby! What I was saying! Just come! It's only one suite here! Just come! Kabeer will come in some time and you're wasting your time here" he said

"Okay let's go" Anna mumbled and I sighed as I heard fading foot steps

"Aayush is here too?" Baani asked

"Mhm hm! What is Anna doing in your suite?" I asked 

"We both weren't sleepy last night so I called her here" she stated

"But you're really here?" she asked her eyes closed

"I told you I'll be here!" I said and she denied

"Kabeer! I too told you that I believe in these rituals! I'm not going to see you" She told

"I came here all way just to see you Baani ! And you're saying you won't see me?" I asked and she nodded turning around !

"You did what you like and that's my choice" she stated

"Fine! Look at me even with closed eyes but just look" I muttered and she turned again her eyes still closed !

I sighed smiling and looked at her!

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