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Tess was half asleep in her chair, head resting against the back of her seat. Her legs were curled close to her body, mouth hanging open, soft eyes closed. Everything about Tess Oprin was soft right as sleep drifted off. The bliss of unconsciousness, now no longer plagued with nightmares and demons in the dark, was a tapestry of broken fragments, memories of good times forgotten after the perpetual darkness that had swarmed her for so many years.

Tess' head rose slowly, her eyes burning from the light of the galaxy around them. At first, she could barely see, sleep sealing her eyes shut. Then, gently, she reached up and wiped a hand over her face, feeling returning. Her legs tingled from staying in the same spot for so long. Tess let a soft groan fall from her lips as she sat straight, her back arching.

"Hey, no. I'm not mad at you." Tess perked up at the sound of Mando's thin voice through his helmet. She craned her neck to see the man spun in his chair, looking intently at Grogu, whose play sphere was propped in his lap. Tess frowned lightly at the look of panic in the child's eyes. "You did good." The frown eased at Mando's comforting tone, and Tess stayed silent, watching the exchange with a curious look on her face.

"I just..." Din continued.''when the nice lady said you had training, I just... " He trailed off, sighing deeply, before reaching over and placing the sphere back in Grogu's hands. "You're very special, kid." Tess' smile reduced at the Mandalorian's tone, somber and guilt-ridden. She'd heard that voice enough times to know what he was thinking. "We're gonna find that place you belong... and they're gonna take real good care of you." At this, Tess shifted in her seat, and her metal leg hit the floor with a muted bang.

Immediately, Din turned, his eyes clashing with Tess' who sat still and unflinching. Her gaze was like steel.

"Oh," The Mandalorian said, nodding to Tess. "you're awake." the girl raised an eyebrow at Din's foolish attempt to hide the pain in his voice. While the mechanic was a master, the Mandalorian was miserably failing.

"Yeah." Tess replied, rolling back her shoulders. The Mandalorian nodded, pressing the controls of the ship to steady it. Up ahead, out through the frosted windows, a planet of green and yellow, sapphire and olive swirled together. Tufts of white revolved across the surface. It was beautiful, and Tess' eyes snagged on the raised edges that were most certainly mountains. It was so poignant, that she almost wanted to reach up, feeling as though her fingers could caress the rough surface of the planet.

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