Chapter 68

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I feel like shit. Not just because of the damn hangover I have, but because of how I treated Charmaine; she was so happy to see me, and I treated her coldly.

It has to be this way, I remind myself. I have to make her hate me for her to leave. But knowing how damn stubborn she is, she will keep badgering me until I tell her what's wrong; I groan inwardly at how things got so fucked up so quickly.

I'm driving to my meeting with Joey, and he keeps looking at me; his nosey ass will start asking questions, too, so I try to act like nothing's wrong.

"So, how have things been while I've been gone?" I ask him casually.

"Good. Quiet." Joey tells me. "How was Miami?"

"It's a fucking sauna down there 24/7. I was sweating my balls off for the first two weeks." I tell him. "But the project is coming along well, despite what happened at the construction site. Timo also had me check out some of the other businesses around the area he may buyout, to take out as much competition as possible for when it's up and running."

"What else is around there?" He asks me.

"A couple of casinos and a few clubs," I answer. "So, everything has been good here, then?" I mentally facepalm myself, realizing I've already asked him that, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, I figured Char would have updated you on the shit going on," Joey tells me, giving me a side glance.

I clear my throat. "She has, but you know how women are, focusing on the shit we don't care about."

When in reality, I kept my conversations short with her whenever I talked to her.

"Annalisa has been over non-stop, doing wedding stuff, I assume. And they've done some shopping; that reminds me, any idea what you want to do for your birthday?"

I frown, realizing my birthday is coming up next month. I tell Joey I haven't thought about it, being busy with everything else.

"Enzo's been around a lot too. Working out with Santino and Char."

I clench my jaw, also realizing the very actual possibility that I'm pushing her towards Enzo. But he's in the same boat as I am, if not worse; he's too far deep in this life to walk away, at least there's one thing I have going for me.


Later that night, I can't keep myself away any longer. I had sent her a few responses to her texts, but I need to see her. Being around her, hugging and kissing her this morning as her sweet scent filled my senses, made a fire burn within me.

I just need to hold her, I tell myself. It's after midnight, and I know she's already sleeping.

I walk into her room and see her sleeping form on the bed. She left the curtains open to the terrace doors, letting more light in than usual. The moonlight casts a slight glow of light over her face, giving her an ethereal look as she sleeps.

I move over to the other side of the bed, undressing as I make my way over, and I slip under the covers, bringing her up close to me. I inhale deeply, wanting to imprint her scent in my mind. I can't help myself as I move her hair and place a soft kiss on her neck.

She stirs in her sleep and turns over to face me; her eyes flutter open, and she looks at me for a moment.

Her fingers trace over my face lightly as she looks at me.

The sadness in her beautiful eyes is too much for me, and I kiss her, not wanting to see the look I know I put there.

I kiss her slowly, and as she parts her lips, I explore her mouth, taking my time savoring the taste of her.

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