Chapter 59

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I hit the torso body bag with a combination of punches and leg kicks. I don't know why Uncle Timo always assumes I can't handle what they talk about during these meetings.

I throw a fury of punches before I grab the body's neck and hit the abdomen with my knees, trying to get out all of my frustration on the inanimate object.

"Do you want to do some real sparring?"

I turn and see Enzo walking up to me, smiling. "I gotta tell you, I never thought you'd turn out to be a fighter, but then again, you always did have quite the temper and never were one to back down from a fight."

"Yeah, well, my dad wanted me to be able to protect myself, especially after that night." I dab at the sweat on my face and neck with a towel. "Are you guys done talking about me so soon?"

He frowns slightly at me. "For The record, I did ask why they keep you out of discussions that are about you. But your Uncle has his reasons, and I am on his territory so..."

I don't miss how he said 'Uncle' differently. But I don't want to put him in a position where he feels like he has to choose sides; I do that enough to JP.

Enzo walks over to the equipment area and puts pads on his hands and arms. "Okay, let's see what you got. I vaguely remember from our unfortunate reunion at the library." He smiles at me, trying to lighten the mood at the reminder of that day.

I follow him towards the center of the mat. He instructs me to throw a specific combination, and I follow through. "Good, but you're not turning your upper body with your hips like you should. Try it again and punch through the target."

I do it again. "Better. Again." I follow his prompts as he instructs me on the things I need to fix or alter.

"Let's try some kicks."

Forty minutes later, we make our way through the foyer, when JP meets up with us. "Good workout?" He asks me, smiling, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Yes, Enzo gave me a few pointers on how to pack more power behind my punches." I smile at Enzo, shadow boxing with him, and he ducks and dips as I pretend to hit him.

"I guess it's lucky he's here to help with your technique, principessa."

"I gotta head out, Stella. I'll talk to you later." Enzo says.

"Sounds good. Do you need a ride?"

"I left my bike just outside of the property; I'll be fine." He smiles.

"Okay, please be safe," I tell him as I hug him and watch as he walks out the door. I turn back to JP; he's frowning, pursing his lips.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "I know that look, JP."

"What look?" He asks me, feigning innocence as he follows me up the stairs.

"It's the same look you had whenever Vince was around me," I say.

" Well, we both now know that Vince was an asshole trying to make me jealous, now don't we? So how do you know Enzo isn't doing the same?" JP asks as he follows me down the hall.

"Because he's not like that. And you seem to forget that I love you, and I'm yours, JP." I walk into my room, but he grabs my wrist, keeping me from walking away; I turn to look up at him.

"Say it again."

I grab ahold of his face so that I can pull him closer to me. "I love you and I'm your's, John Paul." I would never have imagined he would be insecure about me.

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