Chapter 35

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I try to focus on the meeting I'm sitting in, but the urge to check my phone to see if she's called or texted me is uncontrollable.

I decide to turn off my phone to avoid the temptation to check it every five seconds and return my attention to Timo's associate, Adriano, who is going over profit numbers for one of the Hotel Casinos, he helps manage for Timo.

With everything that has been going on, Timo informed me last night that he's not able to travel as much he'd like and needs to stay in New York and asked me to go in his place to this meeting and other meetings he has scheduled this week, here in Chicago.

His associate was in the office when Joey and I had walked in last night and had gone over the notes and numbers he'd be sharing in the board meeting today for the shareholders and investors.

After the meeting with Timo, I had gone back to my room, expecting Charmaine to be there still but instead found it empty.

To say I was surprised when Annalisa had answered her door is an understatement. I could tell Charmaine had been crying and looked upset.

I wanted to make sure she wasn't overthinking what happened between us, especially because I would be leaving in the morning; however, Annalisa all but practically shut me out of her room.

Charmaine promised to speak to me before I left, but she was still sleeping when I went to see her in the morning. Zeus and Ares were whining at her door, needing to go outside, so I had let them out.

She had looked so peaceful sleeping, and it warmed my heart when I saw a small smile on her lips as I brushed her hair away from her face. It was a change from the usual frown she has had when she sleeps recently.

I had sent her a quick text that I'd be in meetings all day, but I would try to reach her later.

My mind keeps going back to what we did yesterday. It kept me up most of the night, too. Her soft body moved so sensually underneath me as she arched her back with each kiss and touch. The sounds she was making in reaction to my—

"Would you like to add anything, Toretto?"

I look up at the mention of my name, shaking my head at my thoughts, and then I clear my throat and answer quickly. "No. I think you covered everything." Hoping I don't sound like a complete jackass.

The meeting is adjourned, and Adriano stops me as I walk by him. "Timo must think highly of you to send you out here with me, John Paul, but don't fuck it up by not keeping your focus or head where it needs to be." He gives me a stern look before turning back to his briefcase.

I walk out of the room, cursing myself for getting so distracted. I sigh deeply, knowing I'll have to focus more while I'm out here and wait to deal with whatever is going on with Charmaine and me when I get back home at the end of the week.



Four days.

It's been four full days since I last spoke to JP. I know he must be busy, but he can't be so busy as not to be able to send a simple text: Hey, how's it going? Have a great day! I can't stop thinking about you...

Okay, maybe that last one is reaching, but you get the picture.

I grunt as I punch the face of the body punching torso bag I've been working out with over the last twenty minutes. On the plus side, the anxiety and worry have motivated me to step up my workout routine again.

For the Empire - IngannoWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt