Chapter 41

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The next morning, I'm smiling at myself in the mirror as I comb through my damp hair, still not believing what's happening between JP and me.

After the public confrontation between us, I didn't think it would end the way it did, with us deciding to move forward together.

It just felt like everything was right in the world, being next to him, in his arms. I feel the tightness in my stomach as I remember his touch, his lips, and what his mouth was doing to me last night.

I shake my head, chuckling, and focus on finishing getting ready.

I smile, remembering how he teased me when we woke up. He had tried to kiss me, and I pulled away, worried about morning breath. I jumped out of bed and brushed my teeth and used mouthwash, bringing a cup and a travel-size mouthwash to him as he smiled at me, still lying in bed.

He looked so cute with his bed head and lazy smile. He told me I worry too much about the weirdest things but used the mouthwash and spat into the cup I had brought him.

He had pulled me quickly onto the bed and kissed me slowly as I smiled into his lips. I loved how his weight felt on top of me, and my body instantly reacted as he moved his hands under my shirt, over my bare chest.

"I like waking up next to you, princess, especially when you're only wearing my shirt," He said as he kissed me and bit on my lower lip.

I laughed, "This is just a special occasion because I don't normally sleep like this."

"We'll just have to repeat this occasion over and over again, then." He grinned at me.

Shortly after, he left to shower and change after I invited him to go sightseeing with us.

I walk out of the room and knock on Annalisa's door. When she doesn't answer, I peek my head in and see she's not in there; her bed doesn't even look slept in, with the covers still tightly made.

That's weird.

I walk down the stairs to the living room, still don't find her anywhere, and then make my way to the terrace.

As I approach the window, I see she's sleeping on the patio couch; only she's not alone. Wrapped around her waist is a familiar tattooed arm; I move closer and see that it is, in fact, Joey, who's sleeping next to her.

Well, well, well, I smirk to myself.

I see her start to move slightly, and I turn away from the window, making my way back to the kitchen. I look up as she walks in, her hair wild from sleep.


Annalisa jumps when she hears my voice, looking up at me. "Oh, scared me." I can't tell if she's nervous or anxious.

"How was your night?" I ask, keeping my voice neutral even though I'm totally curious but don't want to make her feel embarrassed.

"Um, it was good. I think...How about you?" She asks me, watching closely, and I feel the heat rush to my face as I grin at her.

"It was great."

She smiles back at me and sits at the counter. "Did you and JP...?"

I shake my head, "No, but we enjoyed camping out in third base." I chuckle at my own words.

She laughs, "Did you try something I told you about?"

"No, not exactly, more like he did it to me."

"Even better," she smiles slyly at me.

"What about you?" I gesture out to the patio couch.

Annalisa blushes and shakes her head. "Nothing happened; we just talked. He's pretty funny when he's not an ass. I don't know how long we talked before we ended up falling asleep." She frowns as she finishes.

For the Empire - IngannoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang