20. Liskook's Week Together All Alone Pt.1

Start from the beginning

"But seems like he didn't take it seriously oppa.." Lisa said and caressed Jimin's hand.

It was silent for a minute or two as the Lisa and Jimin stared into the distance while there Jungkook kept pondering about what they were talking.

"But now I know exactly what to do with that fucker!" Jungkook heard Jimin spat in amger.

"Oppa calm down." Lisa tried to calm his rage but Jungkook saw that Jimin wasn't thinking about doing so.

"How can I? He has hurt Haru noona and now he tried to assault you-"

Jungkook blanked out for a few second as he tried to take in Jimin's words.

Assault? Who? Lisa? Jungkook thinks.

He tried to hear more of their conversation.

"...I'll get Kook know about this and he is gonna beat the shit out..."

Jungkook stood up not taking the words anymore. He was totally confused as to what they both were talking about.

But one thing was clear, they were talking about Jackson.

He decided to shrug it off and went to join the others.

Flashback ends.

Jungkook still can't get his mind off the conversation.

Assault? Lisa?

But why would Jackson assault Lisa? They are in a realationship.

Maybe Jimin went a little overboard. He might have thought Lisa was getting forced by Jackson?

Makes sense. He doesn't know about their affair. And Lisa acted to make him believe that Jackson tried to force himself on her.

This is the only reason.


Jungkook tries to reason himself with these thoughts but there is a little part in him which makes him think the opposite. It may be little but it is stronger. His mind keeps on telling him the thoughts about Lisa that she was acting but a part of his heart says that it is the opposite.

His mind and heart are at war.

His mind is getting all messy and he can't think anymore. He is a little restless as the conversation plays in his mind.

Soon they both reach his mansion. Lisa gets out but Jungkook stays inside his car staring intensely at the gates of his mansion.

"J-Jungkook-" Lisa call him only to be cut off.

"You go inside. I'll be out." He coldly answers and without looking back, he reverses his car while Lisa stands there thinking what happened to him. She could observe that he was not at peace.
She gets inside and the guards greet her which she returns politely. She heads in and gets ready to change into her night clothes.

While here Jungkook is still tangled in his thoughts. He is restless.

"Ughhh!" He comes to sudden halt and bangs his hand on the staring wheel.

"I need a fucking distraction." He mumbles and takes his phone out of his pocket. He searches the number of the person whom he finds perfect to keep him distracted from the mess inside him.

He puts his phone to his ear and the person answers on the first ring.

"Hey Jungko-"

"Where are you?" Jungkook asks cutting off the person on the other line.

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