Chapter twenty eight

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"I think I'm going to throw up-" Clint wheezed from the corner of the room gripping his stomach. Thor walked towards the man with the sword and brought him into a hug.

"It's been too long Heimdall" Thor gleamed. The man's eyes sparkled and looked like liquid gold, it shone almost as bright as his beautiful Asgardian armour. "Let me introduce my friends."

"I already know who they all are, I see all remember" Heimdall looked amongst the group and gave them a soft smile. His eyes landed on Loki who didn't look all too pleased to see him. "Welcome back Prince Loki."


"Your father knows of your arrival, he has sent carriages for you all" at that moment blue, white and gold carriages appeared on the rainbow bridge which stretched for miles and were being pulled by strong horses with long silky mains. "Enjoy your stay and welcome to Asgard" the man said finally with grace and kindness.

Everyone loaded into the carriages and they set off. The ride was beautiful! The bridge glittered with all the colours in the rainbow and the castle shimmered gold in the sunlight. They went past gardens which contained plants they had never seen before along with astonishing little creatures. Asgardian citizens wandered all around and they all seemed so happy and full of life and were much better dressed than people on Earth in Lilith's opinion.

"The servants will get your bags and belongings; we must go meet the king and queen" Thor affirmed.

"Not like that they're not" Loki waved his hand, and they were all taken over by glistening green magic. Their clothes faded away into Asgardian clothing. Thor and Loki wore their normal armour, minus their helmets, and the rest of the boys were fashioned with armour as well. Each one corresponding with their usual colour schemes and had small detailing which referenced their super hero suits. They all had long flowing capes or a cloak that was attached to their armour with gold or silver clasps. The only one with out a cape being Pietro since it would only slow him down and Vision who had his own.

Peter looked stunned at his gorgeous dark blue tunic and pants which fitted him perfectly. His crimson cape was shorter than the others but felt lighter but had black detailing shaped like intricate spider webs. Loki had even included his web shooters that were now built into his arms of his suit of armour.

"Oh, I could get use to this" Steve admired his mostly navy and white clothing and the star which shone on the front of his chest plate.

Natasha twirled in her blood red dress with black Ombre and silver accents. Her hair was braided back and had a small silver spider clip in it. Wanda wore a more flowy and candy red dress and a black and garnet corset. Her hair curled and cascading down her back. Lilith looked over her outfit which was very different. She wore an off the shoulder, long black gown that reached the floor. It shimmered in the light like a night sky full of stars and you if you looked hard enough you could even make out a few constellations. Draped over her shoulders was a translucent, emerald green shawl with gold trim that was surprisingly warm.

"Much better" Loki gleams proud of his work. The group walk through a giant golden door opened by two guards to enter the castle's throne room. On the throne sat Odin and standing by his side the queen, Frigga. Odin had a stern look on his face as always but Frigga's lit up and turned into an ecstatic smile instantly when she saw her sons enter the throne room.

"Mother, Father" Thor said getting on one knee and bowing his head to the king and queen with Loki. Frigga ran to them and wrapped them into a tight embrace and squeezed their cheeks lovingly.

"Oh, I have missed you both so much! It's so good to have my sons back home, especially you Loki" Frigga exclaimed joyfully. "I gather these are the Avengers you speak of?" Thor nodded and gestured for the team to introduce themselves to the two. Loki had gone over with them on how to introduce themselves about a million times before they arrived and he was praying they had actually paid attention.

"Tony Stark, Avenger and resident of Midgard" Tony said stepping forward and bowing before the Allfather and queen.

One after another each person introduced themselves and gave a bow. Wanda and Natasha each did an elegant curtsy which Frigga seemed rather impressed with. Somehow Nat already knew how to curtsy and Wanda was naturally gifted as she was with most things, however when Loki tried to show Lilith it was a disaster. She kept falling over and couldn't stand up properly, you could use anything to describe her that wasn't along the lines of elegant and graceful.

"Lilith Avenal, Avenger and resident of Midgard" Lilith said gracefully. She thought of doing a curtsy but instead, she gave a quick and simple bow making Loki face palm and the others snicker and shake their heads. Odin looked unimpressed by Frigga smiled fondly at the girl intrigued and curious.

"So that's Lilith..." the queen whispered to her raven haired son who stood by her side. "Funny thing isn't she" Frigga said light heartedly. Loki rolled his eyes playfully and scoffed.

"Greetings, we welcome you to Asgard and do hope you enjoy your stay" Odin said curtly. "You may have free roam of the castle; the princes will be your guides. You are excused." Loki nodded and kissed his mother on the cheek before walking quickly towards Lilith and grabbing her hand.

"Great! Lovingly seeing you father and mother but I have something I need to do, come on Lilith" Loki rambled as the others watched.

"Loki this dress is very long! - where are you taking me?" Lilith nearly tripped over her dress and fell but Loki supported her as he held onto her arm and dragged her to the exit of the throne room. The others stood back watching the two amused as they rushed down the hall.

"It's a surprise and I can't believe you actually bowed" Loki said teasingly. They exited the room and rounded a corner into a long hall way which had an amazing view of the garden to the side.

"I was not going to embarrass myself and fall on my ass trying to curtsy!"

"I'm just teasingly darling, now come on!"

"I'm just teasingly darling, now come on!"

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

-Lilith Avenal-

Frigga and Loki are adorable and the only reason to watch Thor the dark world, if you disagree you're simply wrong. I say this, respectfully :)

~ Lilly <3

Death, Love and the Emerald Ring (Loki x Fem Oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin