Chapter 37 - Coincidence

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The sounds of squeaking soles and a boisterous sea of voices echoing throughout the gym has become an everyday experience to me now. Scrimmages and running drills; water breaks and team chants. Today is no different as I sit on the far end of the Seirin gym, left leg crossed over the other as I stare adamantly at the packet of papers in my lap, concealed by my typical white binder- this one labeled "Notes; V. LXXVI".

Despite the boys practicing so diligently in the background has become music to my ears over the past couple of months, I hate to admit that my stomach feels as if it's sinking. I can barely even hear them now, brows cinching as I skim through the new and important information before me. The tension within me has built from my stomach into my chest, and now feels as if it's paralyzing my fingers from even making any movement. My mind floods with a sensation that I can only describe as anxiety as I sit and read, dreading the page beneath the one I currently dwell.

After what feels like an eternity, I force myself into turning the page. And the dread hits me full force upon first glance, a slight scoff escaping the edge of my lips.

"[Name]-chan?" Riko's voice startles me out of my trance. "Practice is just about to wrap up. Is everything all right over here?"

Without much hesitation, I shut my binder, leaving the packet inside with it. "Everything is perfect. Do you need me to resupply the waters before the boys finish their scrimmage?"

"That would be great," Riko agrees, not seeming to question my off-putting nature before.

"I'll get right to that, then," I stand, setting my binder aside. As the boys begin their cool down, having brought their scrimmage to an end, I watch as some of them rub their aching muscles with a slight frown. "Riko-chan?"

"Hmm?" she hums in response, about to join them.

"We begin our training camp in the mountains the day after next, correct?"

"Yes. Shouldn't you know that as manager?"

I stifle my chuckle. "I do, I do. I was just thinking about something..."

Riko waits a moment before tapping her foot impatiently. "Well? Don't leave me in the dark, then."

"How about we grant them a little break instead of practice tomorrow?"

~ . . . . . ~

--- Third Person ---

Kuroko lets out a sigh of content as he sink deeper into the waters of the hot springs, allowing all of the tension in his muscles to melt away. Inklings of sweat trickle down each one of the Seirin players' faces as they drown in the same sense of relaxation, bathing in the steam of the natural spring waters.

"Kagami-kun, you shouldn't let your towel touch the water."

"Huh? Really?"

Koganei stretches his arms over his head and purrs satisfactorily. "Ah! Viva-non!"

Kiyoshi's face scrunches up perplexedly. "Huh? What's 'viva-non'?"

"You aren't even saying it right..."

"Who the fuck cares?" Hyuga groans, leaning his head back onto the warm rocks. "Idiots..."

Izuki smirks. "Your remarks are lacking bite, Hyuga."

The captain's nose twitches an itch away. "Of course they are. We're at the hot springs, after all. This is a place to relax, not bite."

"Can you believe that [Name]-san spent as much as she did to get us all in here free of charge?" Tsuchida sighs euphorically.

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