Chapter 1 - Seirin

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My lips loosen from around the mouth of my water bottle as I quench my thirst. Twisting over my shoulder, I pull my bag towards my hip so that I can stuff the [F/C] flask into the side pocket whilst walking. With a soft yawn, I rub some grit out of one of my eyes and glance around my environment, jet lagged out of my mind. After an eight hour flight and an hour-long taxi drive, I ended up throwing what little I had into my new apartment and immediately began making my way to what would be my new school, Seirin High. It's already a week or so into school; I'm a bit late. But to be fair to myself, I am transferring all the way from America to here in Tokyo.

I may only be sixteen, but I've been more or less taking care of myself for years. With constant attention always creeping up on me in America, I've learned that I really am alone in the midst of thousands of stares. I have learned how to keep in line and how to keep my mouth shut. I have been taught what I must never say. Ever. And if I complain I will be looked-down upon. I will be seen as ungrateful. I am a young lady with a platform- therefore I must be a role model. I must be humble. I must be mature. Constantly being in the public eye, I have more or less been an adult since the rough age of ten.

Needless to say, the trip wasn't difficult, and I'm not too worried about living so far away from home on my own. I need the getaway. I was getting tired of my life back in the states. Standing under the spotlight for so long has worn me out. Seeing as I'm fluent in three separate languages, Japanese being one of them, I saved up and made the trip out here. The reason I chose Japan out of all the countries I could've comfortably settled in is for one reason and that reason alone.

The basketball.

I hear it's not too big, out here; but it's gaining popularity. They don't play the same as we do in America, but the work ethic and passion seems to be exponential in this country compared to what I'm used to. Most Americans have claims with nothing to show for. Goals and passions are so easily given up on due to propagated education, subconsciously draining children of their drive and guiding them towards a miserable job-life that profits the economy over their health.

While I admittedly don't think that Japanese culture is quite up my alley (family-orientation and respecting authority? No, not my cup of tea), I do admire the work ethic that comes with it. And that's what I've been looking for, what I've been hungering. A hardworking team that evolves together in order to make their way towards the top rather than relying on the starters to do everything for them.

Not only that, but there has been speculation surrounding my generation in Japan. Supposedly, the first year age bracket over here happens to host quite a flock of prodigies in basketball. With all of these talents headed for different high schools across the country, I'm intrigued to see how each team is matched up against one another in the tournaments I've been hearing so much about.

Despite the numerous sports I played whilst living in America, I have decided that I will solely be focusing on basketball from now on. However, I won't be the one playing anymore. I'm finally stepping out of my spotlight. Instead, I've stepped up to manage the boys team at Seirin High. While searching for potential schools to attend, I was intrigued based off of the stats I found for their basketball team just last season. The school had just been formed then, and only held one class of students, all the same age. So the team had been so small. Yet, I saw so much potential in them looking over footage of their past games. I'm sure with the incoming generation, the team will be even better this season, and I will aid them in becoming the best in the country before we graduate.

So tunnel-visioned on the thrilling season ahead of me, I don't even realize that I've arrived at the gym. The campus of this school is so nice, seeing as it's brand new and all. The gym is decently large in front of me. I close my eyes a moment and listen to the sound of sneakers squeaking against the floor, basketballs pounding against the ground and the smell of rubber drifting through the propped open doors.

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