Chapter 6 - Shutoku

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The hours between the Seiho game and the Shutoku game seem to creep over the members of Seirin ever-so-slowly while simultaneously all at once. They sit in their designated locker room, eating their lunches and chatting, but never breaking concentration. Their focus remains on the match ahead of them, which is bound to be more than tough. While the majority of them all sit on the benches and chat with one another about what they can expect, [Name] huddles up in her familiar corner, laptop propped up in her lap. She completely bores into the screen, the Shutoku film reflecting off of her [E/C] irises, wide-open and soaking in everything into her intricate mind that she possibly can last minute. One of her shoes taps on the side of a nearby bench as she nibbles on the pad of her thumb. No one dares disturb her.

After what feels like an eternity of [Name] thoroughly going over the same plays over and over again, Hyuga cautiously approaches the girl and softly shakes her shoulder. Taking an AirPod out of her left ear, she glances up at him, blinking a few times when he informs her that there's thirty minutes until the jump ball. With a swift nod, [Name] hops up from her position and wheels over the nearest chalk board, beginning to go over all the last minute details about Shutoku to the team. Regardless of it feeling more like review than anything, all of [Name]'s playmaking and tactical brilliance really hypes them up to play their second king for today, as well as another Miracle. Restless for a second win, they head out to the court as a unified team.

Each team huddles up, and Hyuga gives the pep talk he's been prepping for this match over the past few hours. "I expect us to play even harder than we did this morning. We don't have to worry about bothersome bullshit like a game after this or conserving our energy. We can focus on the present, and the one thing that we have to do! We give everything we have until we can't give any more!"

"Seirin, fight!" the team yells in unison before breaking the huddle, half of them heading to the bench and the other half donning the court.

[Name] takes her seat, eyes narrowing at a certain redhead. She hadn't expected him to be so quiet for a match she knows he's been anticipating for weeks. It's almost unsettling to see that he isn't running his mouth off for once.

"I didn't think you'd actually make it this far," another conversation peaks her interest, and she peers over at the exchange going on between Midorima and Kuroko at half court. "But it ends here. Come. I will show you just how foolish your decision was."

Kuroko cranes his neck to stare up at the tall male; he blinks, having only one thing to say in return. "We will not lose."

Midorima's brows furrow at his words, and he adjusts his specs a bit higher up the bridge of his nose. Without another word, he turns and heads to his side on the court, awaiting for the first quarter to finally begin.

He's not the only one. Kise and Kasamatsu sit on the edge of their seats up in the stands above. The latter lowers his brows. "Will Seirin miraculously beat two kings in a row, or will Shutoku protect its rightful throne? The championship game..."

Kagami moves to say something to Midorima, but the former Miracle stops him before he can even speak. "There is no reason for me to talk to someone who played such a pathetic game only hours ago. If you have anything to say, you can show it to me through your play."

Although irritated at first, Kagami smirks at him. "Right back at you. Just thinking about it makes me mad at myself. I've got tons of pent up frustrations, so let's do this already. I turned it all into fighting spirit, and I've been saving it for you. So bring it on; we'll beat you."

[Name] rolls her eyes, snickering to herself. "Ah, there he is."

Midorima scowls at him. "What did you say...?"

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