Chapter 5 - Seiho

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Kise and Kasamatsu return to the stadium with their drinks, aware that the game has started without them. Their eyes widen, however, at the sight of the scoreboard. Nearly four minutes in and Seirin still hasn't scored, the score being 0-12 in Seiho's favor.

"What...?" the blond breathes, nearly dropping his diet coke.

"Whoa, seriously!?" Kasamatsu gapes, scratching the shaved strip through his eyebrow.

[Name] sits at the end of the bench, brows furrowed in deep concentration as she watches Tsugawa marking Kagami with a wicked grin on his face. Rightfully so, seeing as Kagami couldn't break past him, no matter how hard he tries.

Izuki notices this as well. "Kagami-kun, you're holding the ball too long! Pass it!"

The redhead does as his vice captain tells him and tosses him the ball, screening off Ryuhei so that Izuki could drive through and past Tsugawa as well. He goes for a simple layup, determined to finally score their first points in the first quarter, only to have his dreams crushed by Tsutomu. The center smacks the ball away before it can reach the rim, denying Izuki his two points. He winces, thinking he had been wide open for the shot.

[Name]'s eyes narrow as she scans the court, pupils gleaming as she softly bites her index finger. Their defense is so tight; though, she should expect nothing less of a top Tokyo team. However, she had expected for Seirin to adjust to it by now, even if just slightly.

Kagami in possession with the ball once again faces Tsugawa. Yoshikasu Ōmurō, Seiho's power forward, laughs cockily at his teammate as he himself marks Hyuga. "Tsugawa-kun, it's fine if you're excited, but don't wear yourself out before the second half!"

The bald boy grins. "I'm fine! They're not as good as I thought, so this should be easy!"

Kagami growls, pushing past the boy roughly. [Name] sneers in disappointment, rolling her eyes as the ref blows his whistle. "Charging! White No. 10!"

Riko jumps up from the bench, grumbling under her breath as she glares at Kagami, who isn't even aware he fouled Tsugawa. The coach clenches her fists, grinding her jaw as she glowers, "Just how easily does that idiot get angry!?"

"Kagami-kun! Calm down!" Koga advises from the bench.

Hyuga's eye twitches as he stares at Seiho's starters, none of them showing any signs of concern for this match. Somehow their movements are impossible to play against. He thought that the Generation of Miracles, with the exception of [Name], were the only ones capable of shutting down Kagami. Seirin can't even make a successful pass without putting Kuroko in the game; however, he can't be put in the whole game, or his effectiveness will eventually wear out.

As Kuroko catches the ball, he turns to make a pass, eyes widening when he can't find any. Every single one of his teammates is closely marked, man-to-man defense. Not a single path open for him to take, he's forced to hold onto the ball, rendering him almost useless as he surrenders his misdirection by doing so.

[Name]'s breath hitches as she watches Ryuhei dive in front of Izuki to mark him, denying any lane for Kuroko to pass. However, this play isn't what peaks her attention. It's his movements, how his arms and legs work in unison. Taking a sweeping look over the court, she then notices that the rest of the Seiho team is working this way, too. She stands abruptly from the bench, surprising her whole team with the sudden movement.

"[Name]-chan...?" Koga breathes when he sees her eyes fade back to [E/C].

"Riko-chan, call a timeout," she requests sternly.

Without any hesitation, Riko listens to her skilled manager, trusting that whatever she has in mind will be imperative to winning this game. As the players who were just on the court get some water and towels, they circle around [Name], who kneels on the ground before them. They await her words of wisdom impatiently.

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