"So..are you ready?" Chanyeol asked

"I am ready!" Jongdae said getting up, having a genuine smile on his lips.

Baekhyun hugged the Groom tight, happy he's back to himself. Baekhyun fixed his Bow tie, with a proud smile.

"How long are you guys gonna take??" Three turned back to see a really annoyed Sehun, with his usual poker faced.

"Is Minseok ready?" Baekhyun asked quickly picking up Jongdae's coat.

"Yeah, Luhan is bringing him to the aisle." Sehun said glancing at his watch.

"Hurry up! We are already late!!" Sehun groaned once more glancing at his watch.

"Okay okay....Let's go!" Jongdae said taking a deep breath. Baekhyun smiled and nodded. "Kre'! Let's go!" Baekhyun said fixing Jongdae's coat and tie.

Baekhyun and Jongdae went out first leaving Sehun and Chanyeol alone.

"Whoa~~ I never knew marriage would be this nerve wrecking." Chanyeol said putting his hands into his pockets.

"I know right...but I felt Luhan was more nervous than Minseok. He kept on rambling last night I barely could sleep. Not that I mind listening to him though. Never knew being the Best man was so stressful." Sehun yawned stretching his hands. Chanyeol chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah...Baekhyun was really excited, he barely stood in one place." Chanyeol sighed. Since Baekhyun was really busy it was hard to see the older. Most of the time Baekhyun and Luhan spent their night at Jongdae's and Minseok's for the preparations.

Chanyeol only saw Baekhyun twice for the past two weeks.

"Don't worry Chanyeol, I'll make sure you won't get stressed at your wedding!" Sehun said winking, gripping his shoulder.

"What makes you think that you are going to be my Best man?" Chanyeol asked raising his eyebrow. Sehun kept his hand over his chest looking hurt.

"Chanyeol...It hurts..." Sehun said wiping his fake tears.

"Arasaw..Arasaw...Let's go before the wedding starts." Chanyeol said rolling his eyes and dragging the maknae out.

"Hey hey!! You are wrinkling my Suit!!"
The wedding bells rang across the hall. Jongdae stood nervous at the front of the aisle. His feet was tapping continuously making him a bit restless. Too nervous he couldn't even hear the chitchat of the guests.

He glanced back at Baekhyun who showed him a fighting gesture. Jongdae smiled nodding.

The sudden music made him turn towards the back of the aisle, Where Minseok stood with Luhan behind him. Minseok walked along with Luhan with their arms linked. Minseok squeezed Luhan's arms in nervousness.

Everyone became quite, Admiring the Groom.

Jongdae stood speechless at the sight of Minseok. Completely stunned at his appearance. His White suite made him look like an angel sent from heaven.

Baekhyun called Jongdae softly, telling him to go and bring the groom. Jongdae snapped back to reality and walked towards Minseok lending his hand.

Minseok smiled wide, gladly accepting his hand. Both walked towards the front hands intertwined. Luhan Joined Sehun who stood at the front.

Jongdae could feel Minseok's hand shaking. He gave light squeeze, making the older feel relaxed.

Both stood facing each other, Eyes glistening.

Saying their vows Both looked at each other lovingly. "I love you." Jongdae said squeezing the older's hand. "I love you too..." Minseok said smiling.

Just A Blind DateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora