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donald na's perspective:

I walked away from her, into the classroom that I had assigned myself. I had asked the principal to put me in the class the new girl was in and he obliged without any questions. He did, however, mutter under his breath: "I didn't think you were all that interested in romance.". I pretended not to hear him, as I didn't want him to withdraw from our contract. Not that he would anyway. I'm his main source of income; his role as principal only pays a pittance compared to how much he makes from me. Personally, what he earns from me isn't even all that much. But, what do I know? I'm only the youngest, most successful entrepreneur in Korea, just not everyone knows my name.

When I slid open the door, all eyes lazily looked my way. I stood there, waiting for them to take in my presence and eventually look away. I was right. Some boys looked away, realising who I was, their eyes wide and mouths open wide enough for a fly to enter. Their gazes firmly, and stubbornly, situated away from my own.

I waved nonchalantly at the teacher who funnily enough was also avoiding direct eye contact with me. I guess the principal notified staff of my admission to this school, or they knew my face from somewhere. Nice to know I have fans among the older generation, I guess. I made my way to the one empty seat in the middle of the classroom: a good place to sit. Just far away enough so the teacher doesn't notice what you're doing, and just close enough, so the teacher doesn't think that you're not paying attention. Average. Hah. Nothing about me was average; it's more true when I'm actually out on the streets doing my job.

Sliding into my seat, I looked up to my left. Teddy Jin: indigo-purple eyes, striking yellow hair scraped into a messy ponytail, no piercings. I first heard about him from Phillip Kim. Kingsley had given me a photograph of everyone in Phillip's gang. Out of everyone in the gang, Teddy was the skinniest and most plausible to be the weakest, however, Phillip assured me that was the opposite. I didn't believe Phillip at first because everyone is better than Phillip at fighting. Luckily for Phillip, money is more appealing than strength and fighting stats in my eyes. I mean it's good to have both but either one works.

I concluded I had accidentally been staring at Teddy Jin when our eyes met and he shakily and, quickly annihilated eye contact. Just then the doors slid open slowly, and quietly. Krown walked in. Her face was back to normal. I guess I had flustered her a bit too much. She didn't notice me until she got to where I was sitting.

"That's my seat Donald. Get up." She hissed at me.

"Not anymore, doll. It's mine now." I whispered to her. She scoffed quietly in order not to alert the teacher of her presence. "But... you could always sit on my lap." I leaned back and she rolled her eyes. An inside look on how she would look if I...

My imagination is great.

I felt Teddy shift uncomfortably in his chair. I smirked. I hoped he knew that he didn't stand a chance.

krown's perspective:

Donald leaned back smugly after his witty comeback. I rolled my eyes. How can you be so care free and funny when I might get into trouble with the teacher?

He's going to make me burst into laughter in the middle of class. I won't deny that he's attractive but I will never sit on his lap, because of the things unseen in the future. I don't think I would be able to prevent what would happen next.

Donald was definitely the type to think about those things, and that stupid smirk he's wearing confirms it.

I felt someone staring holes into my back: stared of animosity, resent and jealousy. Donald's appearance has caused a lot of commotion and confusion. Most people knew him for the gang leader he was and stayed clear of all rumours and conversations to do with him. The rest were giving him sly, formidable looks every time he wasn't looking at them. That's because Donald's eyes were kind of intimidating.

Well "kind of" is an understatement.

I hopped from one foot to the other. I really didn't want to get in trouble.

"Donald. Please." I was getting really frustrated now. I stopped and thought about what would make Donald flustered enough to give me my seat back.

I leaned forward until my mouth was near his ear. I made sure to make my breathing short and breathy; my breath hot.

"Oh c'mon. I'll make it worth your while."

donald na's perspective:

She doesn't know what she does to me. She really doesn't know. Her voice is so attractive, with just the perfect amount of raspiness. When she's this close to me I realise she smells like vanilla, the cosiest scent in the world.

She perfect.

I grunted and nudged the guy sitting on my right.

"Get up and move over there." I pointed towards a seat in the front of the classroom. I turned my eyes back to the front of the classroom, not wanting to hear any complaints. There was no way that this guy would stand up to me. I mean,  didn't even know his name, and I got Kingsley to search up all of the people that may interfere with my future business plans, or that I was interested in. I learnt them all: Teddy Jin, Ben Park, Alex Go, Gerard Jin, Gray Yeon. I know all of their names and faces.

The one person that I am looking forward to meet is Gray Yeon. I heard that he has the highest grades in this dump of a school. He has perfect or near-perfect scores on all of the tests that he has taken, and he aced the entrance exam. The first question that came to mind was why a person with such a promising future would go to a school like this? So, I did my own research on him.

It turns out that he had beaten 3 guys to the brink of death because they had bullied and pressured his friend into a "suicide attempt", by jumping off the school roof. Apparently all of the three boys that had bullied Gray's friend were at the scene of the crime and were the key suspects. However, with their parents' influence and money, they managed to weasel their way out of it.

Gray got the short end of the stick and one of the boy's parents made sure that Gray couldn't get into any of the top or decent schools, locally or in surrounding cities. In consequence, he ended up here, in a school with the worst rating in the vicinity, and completing my university master-degree level math questions.

The first time that I had actually seen Gray's name was in a high school maths book that had taken one of my maths questions as an example for higher maths. They had made it so that the high schoolers could submit their answers to the question. I occasionally skimmed through the answers, looking for one that had actually managed to answer my question. That's when I came across Gray's answer, unconventional but right; in short, perfect.

Kingsley also mentioned that he had an exceptional fighting style, using whatever he could find around him as a weapon, maths and key weak points on the human body.

He was one to watch out for.

The screeching of a chair, clumsy loud shuffling and a shout brought me back to earth. But, when I looked to my right, Krown was sitting there looking very guilty, and "unsuspicious".

krown kawn's perspective:

As soon as Donald had commanded that random guy to move, he had gotten up. Stupidly, he scraped the legs of the chair into the floor and made a horrifyingly loud noise. Loud enough to alert the teacher, who was old and deaf enough to think his shouting was talking. Like, how is the even possible? Does it not hurt his throat?

Luckily, and thanks to my fast reflexes, I managed to sit down in the vacant chair and act innocent. Unluckily, and thanks to his stupidity, that random guy was now being shouted at. Well, more like spat at; the teacher's dentures weren't fixed properly.

I looked at Donald with mock spite, and he looked back at me humoured. The corners of his mouth upturned, showing his teeth. The outer corners of his eyes crinkled and his gaze warm.

"What's so funny?"

"Your face, that's what."

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