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krown's perspective:

I woke up to the sound of my phone blaring an alarm. I reached over and turned it off. Monday. School, job, money. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to wake me up, and checked the time on my phone.

The sudden bright line blinded me for a second, but when my eyes finally adjusted to the light...


I got up from the couch and dashed to the bathroom. School starts at 8:00! I didn't want to be late on the first day; that would set a bad first reputation!

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on my uniform in about 5 minutes. The blazer looked alright on me but I had meant to buy it a bit big, to last for me the whole year.

I slipped on my shoes, and ran out the door. Luckily, I had worked on my stamina and speed during my six years away from Korea. School was only about a 5 minute sprint away from my apartment. I could do this!

I ran past all of the shops from my childhood, and Hero Cram School. I should re-enrol so that I can make the most of my last year of school. I'm smart, but it doesn't help to take precautions. I'll enrol after school, and then find a job.

I got to school, a little later than expected, but it was okay because the gate hadn't been closed yet. Eunjang High School. The first secondary school I have ever attended in Korea.

I strolled through the gates. There were boys everywhere, not a girl in sight. Ugh, that was expected because Eunjang had just announced it was now going to be a co-ed school. I would've gone for a higher ranking school, but I didn't have that much money to spare.

Eunjang was a school filled with delinquents, people with bad grades and bad reputations. It was a school for the bottom of the litter, the people disadvantaged by their superiors. I don't think I'm going to learn that much at this school. That's why I'm enrolling in Hero Cram School.

I took a piece of paper from my blazer pocket. My class is 1-1. I made my way up the stairs and looked for the sign. There it is.

I slid open the door and walked in. Everyone was already seated and the teacher was standing at the front of the classroom, in front of the blackboard.

"Sorry I'm late." I mumbled. It's kind of embarrassing that I'm late on my first day.

"Okay. You are..." The male teacher fumbled with some papers on his desk. "Krown Kwan. Nice to meet you. Just sit in an empty chair." He ushered his hand to a seat in the middle of the classroom, next to a yellow haired boy. I shuffled to my seat, excusing myself.

Ah! This is so humiliating for no reason at all. Everyone stared at me; their eyes darting up and down, taking me in. A few snickers were heard from the back. Have they never seen a girl before?

I sat myself down. The boy glanced at my face for a few seconds. I met his gaze with a weak smile, "My name's Krown Kwan. Nice to meet you."

"I know. The teacher just introduced you to the class." He turned his gaze back to the teacher. I sunk down into my seat. "My name's Teddy Jin."

Teddy's face was littered with plasters. His dark blue eyes looked bored, and maybe even a little bit sad. It looked like he had been brutally beaten. How's he holding up with the defeat?

The fifty minutes of maths class passed by fairly quickly. There was a small break in between the classes, where the teachers had to relocate into different classes.

I had my head laid down against my desk, so I didn't realise that a shadow had began to loom over me.

"Hey. You're that girl from yesterday, right?"

I looked up and found Phillip Kim standing over me. I sat up straight, realising Teddy was gone. He had probably gone to a different class to talk to his friends.

"Yeah, why?" I replied. I didn't know what Phillip Kim's intentions were, so I had to be careful.

"How do you know Donald Na?" He questioned.

"I don't. My first time meeting him was yesterday." I think it's good to tell the truth. It might seem a bit odd, but gang members can twist the smallest of lies into something massive.

"Uh," He adjusted his mask, pulling it below his chin more. "Would you like to come to a cafe with me today?" His hand stroked the back of his neck nervously. His gaze was averted to the ground to avoid my blank stare.

"I don't have any money, sorry." I said.

"I'll pay; it's my treat," He replied quickly. This was good. I didn't have any money for any snacks. I can just take advantage on Phillip's interest in me. Phillip smiled and said to meet him in front of school once it ended.

The bell rang, signalling the next class. Teddy Jin came through the doors, only to meet face to face with Phillip Kim. All the muttering in the class ceased and the atmosphere in the class turned sour. There was definitely history between these two.

Teddy's eyes were on the floor and Phillip chuckled. Teddy tried to shuffle past unnoticed but that wasn't possible. Phillip slapped him on the back of the head. Teddy carried on walking, unfazed. It's almost like he's used to this.

As soon as Teddy sat down I whispered in his ear, "What's going on between you and Phillip?"

Teddy swiped his yellow hair out of his face and sighed, "It's none of your business." He stated holes into his desk, fed up. I was going to ask again but I didn't need to.

"Did you hear? Teddy Jin was kicked out of Phillip's group."
"Yeah. Just because he lost to the White Mamba!"
"Phillip's been harsh on him ever since."
"I feel sorry for the dude."

Embarrassed for Teddy, my face flushed. Even though Teddy may come off as hard hearted, I think he is actually a really nice guy. I wasn't gonna let Phillip Kim get away with this!

And... who's the White Mamba?

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