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krown's perspective:

"Hey! Boss, what are you doing?" A voice rang out, not caring to assess the tense atmosphere. The blond-haired man loosened his grip on my wrists, as he twisted his body to check who had called his name. I'm sure he wanted to hide it, but I saw the slightest hint of a smirk on his lips. He was testing me.

Boss. Hmm, he must be part of a gang. That also explained why he has about ten men following him.

I stayed put. His knee was only a metre away from my face, so I didn't want to risk a broken nose, or swollen face. Instead, I reached out to his hand. I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and guided his cool hand back to my throat.

If he was really testing me, he would be impressed by this move. Any normal, sane person would use this opportunity to get out of here. If I had read the situation wrong I had put myself in danger, but that could be worried about later.

The voice that had called the stranger on top of me boss, had made itself over to the origin of the tension: me. The hoard of men that had been following the "boss" didn't make any attempt to stop this new man. I could only guess that this was another high ranked leader in part of this blond guy's gang.

"Phillip Kim. I didn't notify you I was going to be late. Excuse me."

"Uh, that's alright Donald. Who's this?" This Phillip Kim guy stared right at my fingers leading his boss' hand to my throat. He assessed the situation further and saw that our hips were pressed together, my hands above my head and his boss' knee was between my legs. Heat rose to his face quickly. I could see him blushing at the top if his mask.

I could tell he was looking at the outline of my body, and Donald could too (the boss finally had a name). Donald's reaction was to shift his body in Phillip Kim's sightline of me. While he shifted his body, our eyes met and he looked like a wolf, ready to devour his prey.

Donald's hand snaked around my waist. I didn't particularly dislike it, it's just that this alleyway was crowded and disgusting. And I need to wash my trousers.

donald na's perspective:

She held my gaze again. Interesting. I decided to push my luck and let my hand snake around her waist. She looked neutral about it. I decided to let her go, based on two things.

1) Phillip Kim was staring at her body - and she was mine.

2) She looked tired and I didn't want her to lose interest in me.

I let my hands drop to my sides. She pushed herself off the wall and made eye contact with Phillip Kim. She completely ignored me. Interesting.

But as she reached the end of the alleyway, she let her eyes flicker across my face.

Satisfied, I turned back to Phillip Kim. He was still blushing.

"Phillip Kim." I wanted to draw him out of whatever thoughts he was in. I wouldn't let him get the satisfaction of thinking about her like that.

"Uhh. Yes, boss!"

"I don't remember us being on first-name basis."

"Yes. Okay... boss." The only reason I have Phillip Kim in the Union is that his parents have great influence, are rich and begged me to let him in.

How pathetic.

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