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krown's perspective:

Once I got home, kicked off my shoes and fell onto the couch. Ugh, I was so tired; but I don't regret going over to Teddy's house. I got to repay him for saving me and taking me to the hospital, so now I technically don't owe him anything. I absolutely hate being in debt to people.

I sighed and adjusted the many pillows that I had decorated my couch with. The one thing I just can't figure out is who would send a gang to beat me up. I've only been in town for a few days, and I don't think I've done anything wrong. Apart from beating up a creep, affiliating with a potential gang leader, and letting Phillip Kim go out for food. Speaking about Phillip Kim, I thought he would at least be somewhat decent at fighting because he said he was part of a gang. He absolutely sucked; he tried the sneakiest trick in the book and still managed to get beaten up. I think I'll have a word with him tomorrow. 

As hundreds of thoughts ran round my exhausted mind, I felt my body sink into the grasps of sleep. I smiled wearily. I think tomorrow will be an exciting day.


I woke up to my phone blearing an alarm in my ear. I reached out my hand to turn the noise off. Sitting up I looked at the time on my phone: 7:10. 40 minutes was more than enough time to get ready and make my way to school. I wouldn't have to rush like I did my first day of school.

After 30 minutes, I had finished my normal routine and was slipping on my school shoes. I was too tired to make lunch yesterday, so I took a pack of biscuits from the cupboard. This would have to do until lunch time, when I would buy my lunch. I don't usually have time for breakfast, that's why I eat parts of my lunch during break and lessons. Having your stomach rumbling in the middle of class is beyond embarrassing. I would rather die. 

I threw my clothes from yesterday's adventures into the washing machine. If any stains don't come out I'll use some hydrogen peroxide, I used it for my white trousers that were messed up during my meeting with that potential gang member. I still need to look into that guy. He might've been the one who sent th8at gang after me; if that's the case, he's incredibly dangerous. I need to avoid him at all costs in future circumstances. 

I quickly grabbed my backpack and head out, remembering to lock the door on my way out. I started walking to school. Well, not really walking, more like jogging. Even though I had woken up at a good time, I still might manage to be late. What the heck is wrong with me?  Maybe I need to set earlier alarms.

I thought of multiple ways to solve my poor punctuality on the way to school. By the time I arrived, I still had' decided on one. Every thought seemed to have a major disadvantage towards it. 

I turned the corner. A massive group of students were clustering at the school gates, and on the road in front of our school. Car horns were blaring, but were lost in the cacophonous chatter of wild school children. I neared the chaos and realised that the reason the students were crowding around was because of a car. It was sleek, black and shiny, and I had no idea what the model was. 

To me all cars look the same. I mean, what's the point of spending your life savings on an expensive car when a cheap car can do the most of the same things? And you'll have money left over. It's all so pointless. 

I walked past it at with smile on my face. Seeing the students who usually got ridiculed for their lack of knowledge or common sense content, lit something inside of me; made me feel grateful for all that I had. 

I was lucky.

donald na's perspective:

I sat waiting. I could hear the awe-filled gasps and excited chatter. Their hands feeling every part of the car, making sure that it wasn't just a figment of their imagination. Usually I wouldn't allow this, but it made me feel quite weary to know that they had never seen, let alone touched a car worth more that their houses. Even though I'm a gang leader and make more money than their parents and the principal combined, I still possess human emotions: empathy and understanding.

The reason I sat waiting in the first place was because I wanted to see her. I wanted to see her reaction to seeing me, getting out of this expensive car, looking for her. I wonder if she even recognises me. 

Every few seconds or so, I found my eyes staring out of the one-way transparent windows, searching for a blur of auburn in the vicinity. I looked for a girl that walked with a purpose and an end-goal. I was looking for the girl that, deep down, though I'll never admit it, I was hoping that recognised me, despite my drastic change. 

And then I saw her. The flash of auburn hair and that preppy walk; you could just tell that she had been studying in England. She was carrying a backpack that certainly fit her appearance: a seemingly good school girl, innocent to the ways of the world. 

"Kingsley, she's here. I'm off then." I reached for the handle to unlock the car.

"Okay then. Just remember: don't scare her off. Drop your gang leader act while your at school, and don't start unnecessary fights."

I heeded Kingsley's wise words and forced the door open, against the little bodies of the students at Eunjang High School. As I stepped out, I heard gasps from some of the children, that I like to believe they meant to keep inaudible. 

I ran my fingers through my hair, which I had kept gel-less, abiding to Kingsley's rules once again. He told me that I looked more my age if I didn't use gel, took out my piercings and wore less jewellery. I listened.

In long strides, I walked up to the girl with the auburn hair. She walked quite quickly for her size. I caught up to her in a few more strides and matched my pace according to hers. I waited.

I hate being disrespected, but I hate being ignored more. Krown was doing just that. Her gaze was fixated straight ahead of her. I would like to think that she was just unaware of my presence, so I decided to break the silence. My lips parted to say something, however she beat me to it. 

"What do you want, Donald?" He face stayed still, unmoving, no sign of any emotions.

She had been ignoring me. I smirked.

"I'm here for you, doll." 

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