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krown's perspective:

My arms are aching. My legs are aching too. I guess that's what I get for trying to set a personal best the day I get home. Plane rides are the worst; I always get jet lag. Well, I might as well walk it off.

I ambled lazily through the busy streets. Everything was still here; six years later. My favourite fast food shop where, no doubt, the best chicken was sold. The thrift store that always had the trendiest clothes waiting on the racks, seemingly, just for me.

Hero Cram School: the place where I laughed and cried, and definitely where I made the best memories with... him.

I wonder how he's doing?...

At least, I was able to stay in shape while I was in England. I turned the corner sharply. The gyms there were amazing. They were filled with the newest equipment. I really improved on strength, speed and fighting style. Not that I really need it that much here-

A heavy hand settled itself in the crook of my waist. I froze, purely in shock, disgust and complete irony. I guess I shouldn't speak to soon.

"Hey. Where're you going?" A voice growled in my ear. I could feel the warmth and wetness of this stranger's breath spread around my neck.

"Umm. Nowhere." My voice squeaked and wavered. I cringed. I needed to get out of the crowd. If I end up killing this guy, which I will, I wouldn't want the police, or other possible gang members to see. I would have to kill them too, and I wouldn't want to embarrass them too.

Imagine what people passing by must think: a weak defenceless girl getting harassed by a man twice her weight. But if that's what people thought, wouldn't they try to save me?

donald na's perspective:

I strode a few paces behind of my gang. They walked quickly, in order to not disrupt my comfortable pace in walking. As they should. Anyway, it's been a while since I have had to address someone personally.

These days the Union's been a mess. Everyone is at each others' throats, just like I had planned. It's easier for them to fight amongst each other separated, rather for them to come together to take me down. But, ha, who am I kidding. They couldn't take me down even if they all joined forces; I'm just too good.

My gang slowed down when we turned the corner. I silently watched on to find the reason why. It's easier to get answers if you don't freak out over every single little thing.

Well, the reason for their stopping in walking was because of a man hitting on a girl. The man had to be at least twice the girl's size. His grubby arm snaked around her waist and she stopped in her tracks, like a deer caught in the bright flash of headlights.

How sick. How pathetic. Taking advantage of a girl, just because of her gender. Just imagine if she knew how to fight; what a surprise that would be?

In all of my seventeen years of life, I have never underestimated anybody. I always take on my opponent thinking that they are on, or above my level, so I don't get caught by surprise.

But in this situation, it would be very unlikely for this girl to know how to fight; but not completely though. Her build is firm and her arms and legs look strong. Her stance is decent. But the thing that stuck out the most was the second where she looked like she was about to spin around and kick the stranger behind her. Her whole body weight shifted to the left, as did her feet.

But, she stopped herself. Almost knowing that if she made a disruption in the middle of the street she was likely to get targeted later again, or even arrested. Because what if that man was part of a gang: what would his friends do?

Even though that may seem like unnecessary difficult thinking, it just might be true.

The girl's chest rose up and down. Her jaw softened and she squeaked a few inaudible words. The man smirked, noticing her uncomfortableness. What a sicko. He led her into the dreary alleyway, where a lot of gang members usually hang around.

Just as she entered the alleyway, she locked eyes with me. They looked cold, disappointed and judgemental, but I saw the tiniest hint of a smirk on her lips. Her auburn hair whipped around her neck and disappeared as she entered the dark alleyway.

She looked familiar.

- krown kwan - [donald na fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora