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donald na's perspective:

It's been around 17 hours from when I asked Kingsley to find information on his "possible" twin sister. In that short span of time he's already managed to find out that she lives near Hero Cram School and attends Eunjang High School, one of the most run down schools in the area.

I don't know how I felt about her going to that school. I mean Phillip Kim was there, and he was surely going to recognise her, especially from what happened yesterday. Knowing Phillip Kim, he would definitely not hesitate to make a move on my girl.

"Donald." Kingsley approached me from behind. A few years ago he would've caught me off guard, but now it's a different story.

I turned to face him. There was a hint of an amused smile on his face, "Spit it out Kingsley." Whatever this was it better be good.

"Well, if you insist." He shrugged, "I just got word that your girl, my 'sister', is going to a cafe with Phillip Kim."

I span around on my heel. What? I knew something like this would happen, but this soon. I wasn't surprised or shocked because of the news, but my time judgements were wrong. Maybe I was losing my touch.

"Thank you Kingsley. Send out a few of my men to tail them, mainly G squad." They were going to have to prepare themselves.

I picked up a few pieces of paper that were filled with mathematical scratches and formulas. Just one month ago I had created a seemingly impossible-to-solve formula, that was put in an advanced learning maths book. It was difficult, very difficult. But someone had managed to solve my equation; in one of the most elegant, precise ways too.

Grey Yeon.

Who are you?

Could it be that... you are just like me?

krown's perspective:

School had taken forever to end. It felt like the day was a movie rolling in slow motion. Maybe it was a good thing that the day was going slowly. I mean it gave me an abundance of time to think about what I was going to do with Phillip Kim.

But I was still not prepared in the slightest whatsoever. I had too many ideas and they were jumbled up in my head, making no sense. It's okay. I just have to make it up as I go along. But one thing that I knew for sure was that I was going to get vengeance for Teddy Jin.

As we turned the corner, Phillip Kim pulled my arm to avoid me narrowly bumping into a person on the street. I was wary to not flinch, and to let my body sink into his touch. As weird as it may seem, I needed him to think and feel that he was on a date with an innocent, defenceless girl. I wanted to catch him off guard and complete my aim.

We trailed down long, straight and winding roads to get to the cafe. This amount of walking was making me even more hungry. The food better be good.

As we turned another corner, yet again, I turned to face Phillip Kim, "Where are we going? We should've taken a taxi if it was this far away." Phillip quickened his pace, and I had to do the same to keep up with him.

"What's wrong Phillip? Are you o-" I was silenced by a pair of fingers on my lips. I hadn't realised before but Phillip looked distressed and panicked. His other hand ran through his hair messing it up to an even more unruly state. His eyes darted to and fro, his forehead glistened with the sun's afternoon glow.

"We're being tailed! Hurry it up. Whatever you do don't look back." I straightened my posture and speed-walked along with Phillip.

Tailed? It's been a while since I've heard that word. I've only been in Korea for one day though, who would be following me? I mean I don't really know that much about Phillip Kim; maybe he could be the reason we're being followed. I saw him with Donald yesterday, so probably.

But why would they tail Phillip? He seems the one to keep quiet and will only resort to violence as a last option, or when his opponent is or looks weaker than him.

I whipped my head round for a second to see who was tailing us. There were at least 6 men, all walking with a determined swagger and hands in their pockets. They were clustered together so obviously it made my brain hurt.

If you were going to tail someone you shouldn't all be bunched up together. That was a well known rule in the gang world. So who were these people?

"Don't look back you idiot. If they catch up to us, I will leave you and run." He spat those words out. He's lost it. He was so nice to me before, but now, he was acting so foolishly. Couldn't he tell that these men were trying to make themselves known? They were either wannabe gangstas or were trying to get our attention.

I needed to test it out, no matter how risky it would be. I took my phone from my pocket and dropped it on the floor. I pleaded that my screen wasn't cracked because I didn't have any money to spare to get it fixed. Phillip's head turned slowly, his eyes staring into my mind, body and soul. He looked like he wanted to kill me on the spot I was standing. Scary...

I bent down to pick up my phone but he just tugged at my arm and hissed, "Leave it."

I stared at him in mock confusion. I needed to act stupid; he thought I was an innocent girl after all. "No! Do you know how many numbers I have saved on this phone?" I started shouting at him in the street, refusing to move when he pulled at my arm. He started sweating even harder, eyes frantically zooming from me to the gang of men approaching us.

Before I knew it, a huge shadow loomed over me. I wanted to smirk, but I had to hide it over a look of annoyance. "Who are you?" I questioned. My acting was getting so good I was even fooling myself.

However, the last thing I expected was Phillip to puff up his chest, stand tall (even though I was a few inches taller than him), and shout.

"Who are you?!"

Oh, shoot. This was going to get interesting.

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