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I let out a sigh of mainly relief, partly annoyance, that I didn't know that I had been holding in. I had been too cocky today. Who was I to think that I could win in a 6 v 1? Six men! Oh my goodness! What had I been thinking!

However, I will forever be in debt to the person that has appeared to save me. When they help me annihilate (I'm serious. I will literally kill these six, or five, men.), I will give this mysterious knight in shining armour whatever they wish for. I'm not joking either. I'm a woman of my word.

"Why do you look so relieved, doll?" A confident voice whispered in my ear. "Do you think that twig could take on all of us? You've got to be kidding."

I properly focused my eyes on who was coming to my rescue. Since I had been up on cloud nine grateful that someone was coming to save me, I hadn't exactly looked at who.

The person running up to me didn't look that tall; they might be around five foot eleven and weigh around the same as me. They looked quite speedy. They cut through the wind as they ran, completely defying the laws of air resistance. Their jacket flew in the wind like a cape, footsteps resounding on the hard concrete. Leaves rushed behind him like an obsessed group of fangirls.

Yellow hair whipped around their head. Yellow hair that looked like... Teddy Jin!?

Before I had any time to process why Teddy Jin was here, there was a crack and a thud that echoed in the alleyway. Teddy stood over one of the men that had surrounded me. I don't know why, but I felt heat rush to my cheeks. Who knew that he was good at fighting? At school, he seemed so introverted and quiet. I guess I shouldn't judge anyone by their appearance.

And I guess it was my time to do some damage. I kicked the man pinning me to the wall in the balls. It was a sneaky move, but desperate times called for desperate measures. The man hunched over, leaving me the perfect opportunity to connect his face with my knee. That would certainly leave him out of the running for at least ten minutes.

The guy's unconscious body fell onto me. I was about to let it fall to the floor, but I heard heavy footsteps charge up to me. Teddy? No, these footsteps were too heavy to be Teddy Jin's. With all the strength left in my arms, I pushed the unconscious body off me, and into the man charging towards me. Due to the surprise of a big unknown object being launched at him, the second man swung a side punch to eradicate what was in his path.

That was dumb.

His fist connected smoothly with his unconscious friend's. Ouch... I winced just imagining how painful that punch would be. That man has to be out for at least another twenty minutes.

There was just too much going on. Teddy was fighting three guys at once, and I was fighting two. I needed to knock these guys out quickly and help Teddy Jin. I mean he got himself involved in this fight because of me, so I needed to help him. I quickly glanced over to him: he hadn't sustained much damage but it certainly looked like he was having a hard time figuring out what to do next.

"Eyes here princess. Am I not interesting enough for you?" I refocused my eyes on what was going on in front of me. "Making me punch my own friend, you play dirty!" A fist flew through the air, right past my ear. I reflexively moved out of the way, but it was still a close call. I heard the whish of air by my ear and felt the hair on the back of my neck stand.

"Yeah, you said it. You're boring the heck out of me." I goaded him on to get the results I wanted. As planned, he launched himself at me in a fit of blind rage. I twisted my body and attempted a risky move: 360 degrees kick. I hoped I didn't crash into the wall and accidentally knock myself out. I would just die of embarrassment.

I could feel the asphalt underneath my shoe as I span around, my foot rising into the air. I heard a grunt as my foot made contact with the man's face. I regained my posture and balance in a few seconds to make sure I had knocked him out.

Sure as I had hoped, there were now two unconscious bodies laying on the floor. I glanced at Teddy Jin again. How was he doing? Well, in the time it had taken me to knock out the second guy Teddy Jin had knocked out two of them.

Phew. Now I just needed to get this one other guy out of the way. Where was he?

Before I could dodge it, a foot hit me square in the stomach. I coughed out a mixture of spit and blood, trying to hold down the food I had eaten earlier. What the heck?

My feet left the ground for a couple of seconds and I swear I thought I had died. But it just turns out that I had been launched into the air with a single kick.

Thud. I hit the ground hard. My arm was definitely sprained or at least broken; I had landed on it. Sharp stings of pain came from my cheeks and knees. I could imagine the bacteria filling my scratches and cuts.

Consciousness was slipping out of my grasp. It didn't matter how many times I tried to take hold of it, it was slipping away too fast.

"Krown? Krown!"

I could hear Teddy Jin's voice faintly in my head.

Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing.

donald na's perspective:

"Thank you for choosing our humble establishment as the place for your education. However, I didn't take you as the one to go to school." The principal laughed nervously while saying the last part. He was sweating too much.

"I just felt like I need a change in environment, Mr. Principal." To relieve the tense atmosphere I tried to raise my voice a few octaves higher.

I got up from the wooden seat, and looked around. If I was going to study here and get my outside work done, I needed my own office.

"Mr. Principal, I believe I need an office. I just have so much work to do, like trying to get your school up the ranks, paying you debts an-," Manipulation and a little bit of blackmail was needed sometimes in life.

Cutting me off the principal hurriedly started to make plans to renovate an old room in the school.

I walked towards the door in slow strides to allow the principal time to catch up with me. The principal scampered to my side, just like a rodent of some sort. At least have a shred of dignity for yourself.

"Thank you again Mr. Na! We will welcome you fully into Eunjang High School!"

"Thank you Mr. Principal. I fully appreciate that." I was only halfway out of the door when my phone started vibrating in my pocket.

I looked at my phone and then the principal, "Looks like duty calls. Seeya." I closed the door behind me and looked at the caller iD.

Kingsley: Incoming Call



Hi guys! I haven't done a reader's note before but I wanted to apologise that this chapter and the former one were not of the best quality.
I had the best idea yesterday for a story (it's not fanfiction) and I wanted to at least start it.
My new story's called "her sun to shine" if anyone wants to read it.
Thank you for the support on here! I love you all!

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