On a Very Special Episode

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Avery's date dress ^

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Avery's date dress ^

"I hoped you enjoyed this evening?" Daren says as we walk to my house on the cliffside. "Yes, it was...nice" I say awkwardly, Daren smiled then kissed me on the cheek before walking back down the mountainside. I wipe the kiss off my cheek then go inside my house, the kiss was just sloppy and more spit than anything else. I kick off my heels and lean against the counter, online dating is not for me this is the fifth guy I've been on a date with in the last two weeks and they've all been horrible. They all either talk about themselves or try and use me to talk to the other Avengers, it gets tiring. I go into my on suite bathroom and wipe off my makeup, between all of the dates, I got a message from Nat saying she was completely off the grid and the public has already been speculating that she may have died. Her grave is in a secluded but easily accessible area that has been found so some have left flowers and gifts. I contacted my dad and he seems alright but our conversation didn't last very long. Sam and Steve promised to keep on eye on him. I caught up with Jane and we had lunch, it was slightly awkward but we promised to stay in touch and never go on extended breaks ever again. As for Wanda, I haven't heard from her since we parted ways after Tony's funeral, I thought we would talk more but I guess she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I'm dragged out of my thoughts by my phone ringing, I shuffle into my bedroom and pick up my phone, I collapse on the bed and answer the phone.
"Hey, Avery"
I shoot up at the person's voice "Darcy?"
"Yup, how are you saving the world and everything?"
"It's been alright, how have you been?"
"Apart from being 5 years older than the people around me, fine"
"Why did you call me? Is something wrong?"
"Actually yes, I need you to come to Westview"
"Westview?" I quickly search it up on my phone and see it is in the middle of nowhere "Darcy, I'm in Norway at the moment I can't just cross continents especially not now"
"I know but we have a serious issue here and you're the only person I could think of to ask."
I let out a sigh "Okay fine, I'll be there in around 8 hours"
"Great! Hey when you arrive, the facility is called SWORD and ask for Jimmy Woo, he has more clearance than me"
"See you there, Darcy" I then hang up and bury my face in my hands, what the hell have I gotten myself into? I get up and change out of my date clothes before throwing on some jeans, a white t-shirt and a jacket. I quickly book a ticket on the next flight to New Jersey then drive to the airport.
After 7 torturous hours on a plane, I finally arrived in New Jersey. I hail a cab and told him to go to Westview. It took us another hour to reach Westview, I pay him then walked up to a large tent that had been erected seemingly in front of nothing. As I got closer two armed guards stopped me in my tracks. "Ma'am you can't be here unless you have clearance"
I look at them "Oh? I was told to ask for Jimmy Woo, I assumed you knew I was coming"
They look at each other before narrowing their eyes at me "What is your name, ma'am?"
"Avery Barnes" I say with confidence.
"Avery Barnes?" a voice says from behind the guards, they separate and a man comes to shake my hand "I'm Director Hayward, it's a pleasure to meet you"
"It's good to meet you, director" I say but not with the same amount of enthusiasm as I could sense there was something not quite right about him.
"Why are you here?" he asks as he guides me past the guards.
"I was contacted about a situation here, I still don't know what's going on" I admit and he smiles before leading me inside. "A whole town was wiped from the map a few days ago and one of our agents, Rambeau, was sucked in."
I interrupt him "Sucked in?"
"We are currently in front of a giant force field in the shape of a Hexagon, one of our agents was taken by the forcefield and only arrived a few hours ago. Anyways, we are still trying to figure out how to take it down, I hope you can be an asset" Hayward said it with a smile but I could hear the threat behind that last part.
"Avery!" I turn at the call and see a dark skinned woman with fizzy hair running toward us "I'm Monica Rambeau, Jimmy sent me to collect you from the entrance but looks like someone beat me to it" Monica slightly glares at Haywood who smirks before she grabs me and drags me hopefully in the direction of this Jimmy Woo.

We walked in silence for a few minutes until we reached a small tent and I saw Darcy and an unfamiliar man. Darcy shot up and gave me a hug and introduced the other man as Jimmy Woo. I sit at the table and see the wall was full of people's profiles, why would they have seemingly random people on a wall. "So Monica, Haywood told me you went into the forcefield"
"Anomaly" Monica corrects, "And don't believe everything Haywood tells you. Has he told you who started the anomaly?"
I frown and look at Darcy who purposefully avoided my eyes "No and neither has anyone else, should I know?"
Monica nodded and her face becomes sympathetic "It's Wanda, Avery. She's holding an entire town hostage in her own perfect reality." I sit back at the revelation then Darcy chimes in "The 'Hex' is also emitting Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Entwined in those waves is a broadcast, showing this." Darcy walks over to an old TV and turns it on, I stand up and go next to her. Onscreen was Wanda, Vision and two children talking about a dog.
"When did this happen?" I ask tearing my eyes from the screen.
"9 days ago" Jimmy answers "Haywood is speculating that Wanda took Vision's body from SWORD headquarters and resurrected him in her new reality. He also seems to think she has hostile intentions..."
"But I don't think that's what's going on at all" Monica interrupted Jimmy and I frown.
"If Haywood thinks Wanda is going to use Vision as a weapon then he can rest easy. Wanda told me she was going to make sure Vision wasn't being used as a weapon so if she took him then it's because of something SWORD did not Wanda." I defend her and Monica looks offended.
"My mother set up SWORD to do good and I hope it still is doing that."
"And Peggy Carter set up SHIELD for the same reason, look how that turned out. What I'm trying to say is that you've been gone for 5 years and no one has been looking over the organisation for 3, anything could have happened." I reason and Monica looks sad that SWORD could have been corrupted. "Can I see the forcefield? I haven't had a good look at it yet" I change the conversation.
"I'll take you" Jimmy pipes up and leads me out of the tent and to an area of the forcefield where no one present. I take a closer step and see patterns floating in front of me, I hover my hand over the shield and almost touch it before Jimmy shouts "Wait!" he pulls me back "Be careful, last time someone did that, they didn't come back for several days"
I'm silent for a few seconds before I come up with a plan. "What if I go in and try to convince Wanda that what she is doing is wrong" I say to him but before I was finished he was shaking his head.
"No, Wanda takes over your mind and makes you do whatever she wants."
"But that's exactly why I should go in. I can break out of her mind control then try to persuade her whilst also playing along with her fantasy. You can't just go in guns blazing because Wanda will eliminate you, you have to let her down gently this place has become her home, she has children for gods sake." I try to persuade Jimmy.
He looks at the Hex then back at me "Fine but don't tell anyone I let you go in. I have to tell Haywood that you went in by yourself but Monica and Darcy will know the truth."
"I understand. Thank you, Jimmy" I say, he nods and waves me away. I turn back to the Hex and hold my hand out once again. I step forward and feel the energy flow through my fingers, I accidentally let out a bit of my powers and a blue and red streak flew upwards. The shield turns a strong blue and red and then fades but is still noticeable. Jimmy looks at me alarmed, "Go, quickly"
I see agents running towards and I knock Jimmy over with my free hand then push my way through the barrier. I screamed as I went through, I could feel an overwhelming anguish and pain before everything went dark. What the hell is going to happen to me?


Thank you for 1.0K views and hope you enjoy the rest of the story :)

The Connection They Shareحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن