Chapter 6

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I pause when I enter the main room to see Thor serving a hungover Erik. "So how was last night?" I ask walking to the table. "Oh Erik just got a bit drunk but he's doing alright now. Do you want an omelet?" Jane replies looking at me. I remember why I was in a hurry and grab my hat. "No I'll get something when I come back" I say taking two slices of toast. "Where are you going so soon, Avery?" Thor asks setting a plate down for himself. "I have somewhere to be, I'll see you in a bit" I wave and run out the door. I had to find Thor's friends before they do something stupid. I turn the corner at the end of the road and realise it wasn't that hard to find his friends as they walked down the middle of the road together.

I let them pass then followed them "Are you looking for Thor?" I make my presence known and munch on a slice of toast. They whipped around and the woman of the group stepped out, narrowing her eyes at me. "How do you know Thor?" she questions slightly pointing her sword at me. I stand up a little straighter "He has been staying with me and my sister since he arrived on Earth. Toast?" The fatter one came forward and took it from me. "This toast is good" he says with a smile. "Come on, my house is this way" I gesture with my head and we all walk back to the lab. I enter first but the warriors look at each other before following me. I walk to my studio leaving Erik, Darcy and Jane looking dumbfounded. I sorted through various paintings and sketches until I found the one of the destroyer. "Lady Sif and the warriors three" I heard the fat one say but I was still looking at my sketch as came back into the main room. "My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone but you should not have come" Thor says putting a hand on one of theirs shoulder. I look up at that confused and it seems his friends are just as baffled. "We're here to take you home" the blonde one states as though it were obvious, I see Jane look a bit deflated and smirk knowing she had fallen in love. "You know I can't. My father is dead because of me. I must remain in exile." Thor explains with a defeated expression. The warriors look baffled and Sif says "Thor... your father still lives."

I sigh realising that Loki had lied to Thor about his father, that must be why he took the throne. I was looking at Thor's face when it wavered and showed Agent Coulson standing in front of the destroyer. I gasp as its face opened and flames came out, destroying the cars and luckily not hurting anyone but I knew that its next target would be the town. I come back into reality to see the warriors, Erik, Darcy, Thor and Jane looking at me in confusion. "What?" I ask picking up the sketch that I must have dropped when going into the vision. "Sis your eyes turned blue like a weird blue not your usual colour"

I look at her then realise they must have changed when I went into a vision. "Oh" is all I say "Thor, this is the destroyer right?" I ask walking over to him and showing him the sketch. "Yes but how do you know?" I ignore his question and look out of the window just in time to see the destroyer arriving via the Bifrost sight. "Loki sent the destroyer to prevent you from going home, I don't want the people of this village to get hurt." I turn back to them, them still staring at me in shock. "Well are we going to stop it or not?" They finally shake out of their frozen state and we all exit the lab to face the giant creature tearing up the small village.

"Jane you have to leave" Thor says as we saw the destroyer getting closer to town. "What are you gonna do?" she replies. He tears his eyes from the machine and looks her in the eyes "I'm staying here"

"Thor's gonna fight with us" one of mates exclaimed excited. However, Thor puts an end to that by stating he's only mortal but he will help us evacuate the town whilst the warriors distract the destroyer. I went with Erik to usher people out of the café and even got children into cars so that their parents can take them away from this mess. I saw the destroyer and then a woman with her daughter, it blasts fire at a nearby store, knocking them over. I run towards them and pick up the girl with the mum following behind me; I guide them to a truck full of children and the man drives out of town with them safely in the back.

I crouch down behind a car as a petrol station is blown up sending rubble everywhere. Thankfully everyone had evacuated the town, I stayed crouched as one of Thor's mates is backhanded by the machine sending him flying into a car. I get an idea and run out to see Lady Sif put her spear through the creature and shuts down. "Thor!" I shout to get his attention. "Who controls the destroyer?" he looks at me puzzled "The king, why?"

"You'll see" is all I say before advancing on the machine but stop as it rotates to fire at Sif but she manages to jump off before it does. It lifts itself off the spear "Fall back" she shouts, running toward me but I refuse to move, not knowing if what I was about to do was going to work. Loki I say to him I'm sorry. He tries to stop me but I drag both of us into my dreamscape hoping it'll give Thor more time to save the day

3rd person POV

Avery collapsed at the same moment the destroyer also powered down, now that Loki was unconscious and in the dreamscape. Jane panicked and ran from safety to her sister's side, she tried to awake her but nothing was happening. Jane begins to get more worried when the destroyer starts to stir and her sister isn't waking up.

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