Chapter 7

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I stood with Wanda near a bridge as she influenced the minds of the people in the near buildings to get out of the city. I guide people across the bridge when suddenly several robots burst from the ground. I immediately put up a barrier along with Wanda, "Get off the bridge! Run!" She shouts but gets shot down, I take out a dagger then slice off the robot's head. I help Wanda up "Are you alright?" I ask and she nods if slightly out of breath. I feel the ground begin to shake and I see the ground cracking; I run to help people stay away from the edge but then even more robots rise from the ground and begin attack us. "Get the people away from the edge and to some cover" I order as I crush a robots head using my powers. Wanda nods but doesn't move, I snap my fingers and she comes out of her trance "Go!" I say and she begins herding people back into the city as I take out more of the robots but they just kept coming.

It was a few minutes but they seemed to have stopped and I realised that they would aim for the main exit out of Sokovia, exactly where Steve was. I tear my daggers out of some robots then run all the way to where Steve and Thor was fighting.

I join in and smash a robot that was sneaking up behind Steve. Ultron takes off with Thor and I continue to use my powers to destroy them, it felt nice to finally use my powers again and I was releasing my anger on them not my fellow humans. "Nice of you to finally join us here" Steve says when we had a small break. I look at him in disbelief "Excuse me? I'll have you know that I was stopping people from falling and I've just run a mile to get here" He just gives me a look but I could see humour in his eyes, I roll my eyes and flip him off and smile at his appalled expression. "Come on old man, let's beat these bastards" I say then run away with him following not so far behind.
I slide across a surface to block a robot's attack on some people. I form a shield around us then slice through several of them, I throw my knife before directing it to slice through all of the remaining robots and even take out one that was attacking Nat. I direct the people to a restaurant so that they could take shelter away from Ultron's murder bots. "The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?" Steve asks over the coms as the whole city becomes enshrouded by clouds and I could feel the air beginning to get thinner.
"Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear." Tony suggests but Cap shoots down that idea.
"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan."
"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice." Tony gives us an ultimatum and I'm starting to believe we won't get out of this alive. Nat joins me and Steve outside as we rise above the clouds and I got to say the view is spectacular.
"Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..."
"Not 'til everyone's safe."
"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there." I say and Steve looks at me conflicted.
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Cap states, a decision already made up in his mind.
"I didn't say we should leave." We turn to look at Nat and she just smiles and looks out at the view "There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"
"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better." Fury's voice comes over the coms and a helicarrier rises from the clouds, my mouth drops and I see Steve and Nat both grinning. "I thought all the Helicarriers had been destroyed" I say.
"Evidently not" Steve replies and Pietro joins us on the bridge. "This is SHIELD?" he asks as several life boat ships were deployed to help us evacuate all the citizens.
"This is what SHIELD's supposed to be." Cap replies and one of them comes towards us. "This is not so bad." Pietro says with a grin and we run to the restaurant to start to get people onto the ships. I aided a father and his daughter onto the lifeboat when Tony's voice came over the coms "Avengers, time to work for a living."

I fly upwards and make my back to the church where the drill was sitting. I landed just as Pietro arrived and immediately went to Wanda, I think that their relationship is really sweet. Everyone arrived and Tony told us that none of the robots can touch the core or the entire city goes plummeting to the surface. We arranged into a circle, guarding the core as Ultron arrives. "Is that the best you can do?" Thor shouts and Ultron summons his army and my eyes widen slightly at the shear amount of robots he has. "You had to ask" Steve comments.
"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asks as he hovers above us with a grin. "Well, like the old man said. Together." Tony says and Ultron orders his army to attack. I whip out my daggers and slice through the oncoming horde of metal. My daggers get thrown out of my hands but I hold the robot before Cap takes it's head off. I pick up more robots sometimes tearing them apart, other times crushing them and once me and Wanda held a particularly stubborn robot between us before Pietro tore through it. Vision, Thor and Tony managed to trap Ultron and release their powers on him so that it managed to tear down part of Ultron's Vibranium body. He looked up tired before the Hulk punched him across the city and roared at the remaining bots. They ran away but vision joined Rhodey in destroying the last of them. "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you." Steve orders and I nod only now realising that I was struggling to breath normally. "What about the core?" Clint asks but Wanda interrupts "I'll protect it. It's my job." I nod and smile to her before jumping into the back of a car with Nat and Clint.

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