Chapter 7

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When I awakened in the dreamscape, I saw everything was dark as though a storm was about to hit the coast. "Why did you bring me here?" Loki almost growls at me as he storms towards me. "WHY?!" he shouts. I stand my ground "I won't allow you to destroy a village full of innocent to do what? To kill your brother?" He gets right in my face, "yes" he whispers, he then backs up a bit "I was destined for the throne and I will not stand idly by as my witless oaf of a brother leads Asgard into war." he says forcefully. "He's changed, he's not the person who you used to know" I try to explain but still kept my distance. "Loki, you can still stop this, please. Don't become a killer" I plead. He whips his head towards me "Maybe it's just in my blood" he spits "Once I'm done with my brother, I'll save my father from the Frost Giants and rid the realms from their pathetic world. Only then will I get the recognition from father" he walks back to me but pauses as he sees me take a couple steps back. "Is it not enough that I care for you or that your mother does" I ask tears flowing down my face

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" he shouts a few tears trailing down his face. "You don't know what it feels like to be pushed aside constantly, left in the shadows as your perfect brother takes everything from you" he takes a few breaths "And to find out that your a monster and that killing and destroying is in your blood. Maybe it's time to stop trying to be a perfect son because no matter what I do, I'll never be seen as more than a monster." He pauses, his tears stop and his posture straightens up. "So if you'll excuse me, I have a realm to destroy". My eyes widen in horror as he flickers out and I quickly get myself out of the dreamscape.
I scramble to stand as the destroyer also straightens up. I see Jane next to me and realise that she had run over when I had collapsed. We back up but I don't have time to run the side as the destroyer opened its head and flames come at us. I thrust my hands forward and a dark blue barrier spreads from my hands to block both me and Jane from the flames. (A/N a bit like Dr Strange's shields) I let out a shocked laugh but then focused on trying to push the flames back. "Jane, go to Thor" I shout my arms buckling slightly, it was like trying to hold back a moving wall. "I'm not leaving you". I roll my eyes slightly, "Yes you are, I'll be fine. GO!" I reply and she runs off, the destroyer still focusing on me and my shield. I fell to my knees as the force behind the flames became too much, I cried out and threw the flames away from me causing me to fly to the side and crash into a car. I groan and sit up slightly, everything was deathly silent expect from footsteps heading towards where the destroyer stood. I shook my head and saw Thor facing up to the destroyer, I tried to get up but my right foot was stuck and I couldn't get it out.

"Brother...for whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am sorry. But these people have done nothing to you. They are innocents." Thor tries to reason with Loki as he faces the destroyer unarmed and powerless. "Take my life and know I will never return to Asgard." I gasp and work harder to wiggle my foot out but it wouldn't come out. The Destroyer seemed to hesitate before it swatted Thor with the back of its arm sending him flying backwards. I hear Jane scream as she runs to him, I let out a breath realising that Thor had just sacrificed himself for all of us if he was still alive he would be worthy.

Suddenly, I saw something flying toward Thor. Erik dragged Jane back, then the object and Thor disappeared into a cloud of lightning. The Destroyer had turned back and was about to unleash its flames when a hammer flew out of the cloud and hit the machine in the head and then again as the hammer returned to the hand of Thor. I grinned at him but then he flew upwards and created a tornado to lift the giant creature into the air. There was a lot of flashes before a massive flash went out and the tornado calmed down and disappeared as Thor landed back on the ground.

I tried again to release my foot and I managed to get it free, I half walk, half hobble over to where Jane and Erik stood. "So is how you usually look?" Jane asks an armoured up Thor. "More or less"
"It's a good look" she says before noticing me. "Ava why didn't you tell me you could produce energy shields like that" I shrug "because I didn't know until that moment"
"What else can you do?" she asks eagerly, I just smirk. "I guess we'll just have wait and see"

Thor just watches our interaction with amusement before he turned serious "We must go to the Bifrost site, I will have words with my brother"
"Excuse me" we heard from behind and I saw Coulson getting out of his car and walking toward us. "Donald, I don't think you've been completely honest with us"
"Know this" Thor interrupts "Son of coal, you and I we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward you can count me as your ally if you return the items you have taken from Jane" I smile at the small exchange "Of course you can have your equipment back, you're gonna need to continue your research".
I guess that means Jane has been hired by SHIELD, I sigh and step back as Thor and Jane shoot up into the sky towards the Bifrost sight. They then all turn to me, "I ain't joining SHIELD" I say and Coulson's face drops a bit. "You may call on me for emergencies but I want to find out about my powers by myself at my own pace. Goodbye Agent Coulson" I then get into the van with everyone and drive us all up to the site.
When we got there, Thor was shouting at someone and the rainbow bridge was nowhere to be seen. "He doesn't answer" Thor says striding toward us. "Then we are stranded" one of his friends says. Thor shouts a few more times before we could see a tunnel emerging from the sky, his friends sigh in relief and go to stand at the site. I could hear Thor and Jane having a quiet conversation when I remembered Loki. If they go and fight him, it will only push him further past the point of redemption. Thor had finished kissing Jane and was about to enter the tunnel when I stopped him. "Thor!" I call out and he turns to face me "Don't let Loki fall, your brother is still in there somewhere, hidden beneath layers of hate and vengeance. Promise me you'll save him" he smiles "I promise" he then is taken by the tunnel back to Asgard.

A few minutes had gone by and the sky had become darker as though a battle was waging in the stars and then I was thrust into a vision. Thor was on his back and Loki was advancing on him. "I never wanted the throne, I only ever wanted to be your equal."

"I will not fight you brother" Thor says clambering to his feet. "I'M NOT YOUR BROTHER, I never was" Loki replies a lone tear falling down his face. "Loki this is madness"

"Is it madness? Is it? Is it?" he spat at Thor, trembling in anger. "Come on. What happened to you on Earth that turned you so soft? Don't tell me it was that woman." Loki comes to a realisation. "Oh it was? Well maybe when we're finished here, I'll pay her a visit myself!" Thor gets so angry at Loki that they begin to fight trading punches and throwing them about the room until Loki blasts them both out onto the Bifrost bridge.

They fight a bit more as Loki uses his illusions and Thor manages to blast the real Loki onto his back where Thor places Mjolnir on him so he can't move. "Look at you, the Mighty Thor, with all you strength and what good does it do you know, huh?" Loki taunts as Thor tries to find a way to stop the destruction of Jotunheim."Do you hear me, brother? There's nothing you can do!" He then lays down and laughs. Thor summons his hammer and begins to smash up the bridge. Loki gets up in a shock, knowing that all his hard work will be for nothing if Thor tears down the bridge, he will lose like he always has. "What are you doing? If you destroy the bridge, you'll never see her again!" Loki shouts but then gets up and tries to stop Thor with his staff. "Forgive me, Jane" Thor says as an explosion causes them both to fly into the air and the observatory room to fall into the void of space. The brothers also began to fall but Odin manages to grab Thor and Thor grabs Loki's staff. I see tears in Loki's eyes as he tries one last time to earn his father's approval "I could have done it, father! I could have done it! For you! For all of us!"
"NO, Loki" Odin states disappointment written all over his face. Loki seeing this realises that he would rather die than face the disappointment of his father so he let go.

I sink to my knees Thor's cries still echoing around my head, I vaguely notice the sky had gotten lighter and the clouds had cleared completely.
"It's gone, it's over. He fell"

A/N - If you've made it this far, thank you. Avery's journey continues in the Avengers.

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