Chapter 2

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I crept up the stairs and paused at the sight of knocked out bodies that littered the hallway. I took a small gun from one of the soldiers, my head whips in the direction of a shout. I follow the shouting and eventually made my way back to the entrance hall where I see Bucky punching Tony through several tables. Sharon rushes at Bucky, then Nat does the same. They both land kicks and punches but Bucky manages to flip Sharon head over heels onto a table then Natasha leaps on him, she pulls her legs up and around his neck legs, Nat tries to knock him out whilst on his shoulders. Bucky slams her onto another table and grabs her throat, Nat struggles to breath and I summon a whip of energy before lassoing his arm and dragging him away from Nat causing him to let go of her. He looks slightly confused but pulls on the whip and I dig my heels in to stop him from moving. The Winter Soldier runs at me and I make the whip disappear and dodge out of the way of a punch; I grab his metal arm before sliding between his legs, slamming the soldier onto his back. The fight was giving me serious deja vu from when we fought before. Bucky grabs my leg and pulls me onto the floor before getting on top of me, he tries to punch me but I grab his metal hand and try to push back against it. My eyes and hands start to glow as I use more of my powers to stop him. "папа стоп" I plead, tears pooling in my eyes. He just looks confused and tries to punch me with the other hand but I grab that one as well. "Извините" I say before moving my hand and pressing my finger against his head, I see glimpses of his time with Hydra then his time with Steve before the war and then the time he fell off the train. He pauses for a second, I begin to try to edge away from him but Bucky's eyes harden, the soldier still in charge, before he punches me square in the face successfully knocking me out cold.
I groan and scramble to my feet, staggering slightly at the pounding in my head. I look around and see that Bucky, Sharon and Nat had disappeared and I was left alone in the entrance hall. I stumble outside into a crowd of people shoving each other out of the way to get away from the building. I go along with the crowd until Sam grabs my arm and pulls me away and behind the building. "Steve went after Bucky but I saw a helicopter fall off the building so I can assume they are both going to be there" Sam explains and I nod slowly then follow after him. "What happened to you?" he asks as I rub my head trying to ease some of the dizziness. "I went after Bucky as well but got punched in the face instead" I say only now registering the pain in my cheek and my split lip. We round the corner and see Steve dragging an unconscious Bucky out of the water. I jog over as Steve dumps him on the floor. "Right, he's knocked out, can we leave him and go before task force is on our arses" Sam says as he comes up to us. "No" both me a Steve retort and he holds his hands up. "We can't Sam, he's innocent" Steve explains and hauls Bucky over his shoulder. "Come on, like you said Sam task force will be all over this place in a minute"
"Hey, Cap!" Sam calls throughout warehouse we were taking refuse in. I run through the building and stand next to Steve as Bucky groans. He tries to pull his arm out of the vice "Steve" Bucky groans as he looks up at us. "Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve questions and glances at me, I smile with ice pressed against my cheek to assure him I was okay.
"Your mom's name was Sarah...You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." Bucky breaths a laugh at the memory.
"Can't read that in a museum." Steve states and Sam has a look of disbelief on his face "Just like that, we're suppose to be cool?"
"What did I do?" Bucky asks and winces at the sight of my busted lip but I could feel it healing already.
"Enough." Steve steps slightly in front of me, blocking me from his view not fully trusting Bucky even though he proved he wasn't being controlled.
"Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words." Bucky spat
"Who was he?" Steve asks but I don't know who they are talking about.
"I don't know." he replies, you and me both, buddy.
"People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than 'I don't know.'" Steve lays into him, I give him a look. Give Bucky a break, he just went on a rampage and was probably hit really hard in the head so maybe 10 seconds before you start interrogating him.
"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where."
"Why would he need to know that?"
Bucky looks up at us "Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier." Well shit.
Bucky explained all about the program of elite soldiers that were chosen to become super soldiers, they were a success becoming even stronger than Bucky however it turns out they were unstable and too uncontrollable. Therefore Hydra put them into a permanent cryofreeze in Siberia and this 'doctor' is going to release them. Well I guess we're going to Siberia but there's still the problem of the accords and Tony probably going to try stop us.

I sigh and throw the ice in the bin, it had gone warm and I was fully healed anyways. "Do I know you from somewhere?" I hear Bucky ask from behind me, "I guess you could say that" I reply turning to face him. He takes a few steps towards me "You remind of someone but I can't think who"
"You knew my mother" I say and he frowns, "There was an experiment to see if the super soldier serum could be passed down to . Hydra captured my mother, she was a young witch that strayed too far from her coven and they snatched her. I don't know what they did to her or you but a few years later she had me, a child with powers and a hint that I might have some of the super soldier serum in me. It wasn't enough though, I wasn't powerful enough so they injected me with a serum that enhanced my powers and terminated my mother because they didn't need her anymore and she was threatening to escape and take me with her, Hydra couldn't have that." By the time I finished talking, tears were running down my face, I turned away from him and rubbed my eyes. Stop being pathetic, Avery.
"What was her name?" Bucky asks. "Estella Harkness, she was raised by her sister when her mother was killed, she may have seemed old to us but like I said she was fairly young for a witch and quite naïve." I say, reciting what little I saw on her file. "Estella" Bucky states in awe and I turn around to face him "I remember, she was the light in the dark. I could never forget her no matter how many times they fried my brains, my golden haired beauty. We fell in love, I couldn't have been more excited when I found out that I was going to be a father and began plotting ways to escape so that you would have a normal life. You were born at midnight on the 4th of June, you may have my hair but you look just like your mother." Bucky looks at me with a sad smile. "But one night they came and took her away, I never saw her again, the only glimpse I had of you was when they made me fight you. Hydra never mentioned her name so that I wouldn't remember you or her and slowly I began to forget everything." He sits down and buries his head in his arms "I'm sorry, that I couldn't stop them; that I couldn't protect you both"
I cautiously approach him and wrap my arms around him. "I forgive you, Dad" I say, he looks up in shock before hugging me tightly. "You know me and Steve made a promise that should either of us have kids, we would make the other the godparent. Steve is your godfather." Dad explains with a laugh; I giggle slightly, that makes sense as to why Steve was suddenly so protective.
We were laughing at a story of Steve and Bucky before the war when Sam came into the room. "Time to go"

папа стоп - Dad stop
Извините - Sorry

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