Chapter 3

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I thump to the ground as outriders pile onto me, I shoot my arms outwards and the riders near me get thrown back or disintegrated. I try to stand but is immediately flattened once again, "There's too many of them!" Bruce shouts through the coms, you can say that again. Suddenly, a large beam of rainbow-hued light lands in the middle of the outriders, and an ax flies out of it, lightning shoots of it as it tears through the outriders. The axe flies over me causing the creatures to be electrocuted, I stand up with help from Pietro. The axe returns to its owner and the Bi-frost disappears to reveal Thor with a racoon and a tree creature, I grin. Finally. I look at Pietro and we both charge back into battle with renewed energy from the God of Thunder's arrival but a question lingered in the back of my head: Where is Loki? Shouldn't he be with Thor?
I throw a knife at an outrider that was about to scratch Nat, it impales the creature before flying back to my hand. "Thanks" she says as we take a breather, I almost fall as the ground begins to shake, I look and see that me, Nat and Okoye were in the path of a thresher. Suddenly, Wanda lands in front of us; she picks up the thresher then throws it behind us crushing hundreds of outriders. I smile and she gives me a sheepish grin, "Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye asks, a touch indignant. We get several voices through the coms about Vision being attacked but before we could go, Wanda is hit in the head and sent into the ditch made by the thresher. I quickly jump down with Nat and Okoye, I hear the woman growl "He'll die alone. As will you"
"She's not alone" Nat replies, Okoye with her spear blocking the woman's exit and me forming solid swords so I could fight. Proxima Midnight charges at Nat, smashing her sword into Nat's baton; Okoye climbs the side and Nat moves so that she would get a shot. I come from the side and manage to slice her arm. She looks at it before growling at me, she turns all of her attention on me and repeatedly slams her sword into mine. I block her as best I can but my foot slips on a rock, I try to stabilize myself but Proxima uses that moment to swipe my legs from underneath me and almost finish me off. Luckily, Nat goes for the attack again, Midnight blocks both her and Okoye's attacks but they all duck as a thrasher goes over them. Okoye is momentarily distracted; Proxima grabs the back of her head and throwing her to the ground. Nat splits her baton to become two and defends herself from the relentlessness of Proxima's attacks. She falls to the ground and just manages to block a slab to the face, Wanda then uses her powers to pick Midnight up and sent her into the path of a thresher. She sits in exhaustion, I stand up shakily and extend my hand to Nat, who has blue blood on her face, she grasps it and hauls herself up. I lean against the side of the ditch as I'm sucked into a vision. "Stop!" Strange shouts at Thanos who had stabbed Tony and was aiming all four stones at him. He sits up looking exhausted and broken "Spare his life...and I will give you the stone." My eyes widen in shock, why would he do that? Why?
"No tricks" Thanos orders, turning the stones on Strange now. Tony tries to protest but he was to weak to do anything. Strange holds up his hand and reveals the time stone, he opens his hand (the trembling of his hand obvious) the stone flies to Thanos where he grasps it before placing it in the gauntlet. "One to go" he says before an energy blast hits him the chest but he doesn't take any notice and moves backwards into a portal created by the space stone.

I drag myself out of my vision to see Nat and Wanda's worried faces in front of me. "Go to Vision" I order Wanda "Don't leave his side, Thanos has the time stone meaning he is coming here for the final stone: the mind stone" I quickly explain to the pair of them before Wanda nods and shoots up into the sky. Nat also nods then she and Okoye run off to give Vision as much protection as possible. I clamber out of the pit to see Pietro trying to hold off outriders but he was becoming tired, I pick up a passing thresher and lift it high above my head "DUCK!!!" I shout and he flattens himself to the ground, I let out a groan before pushing the thresher and it went skidding across the ground. I let out a breath as outriders are taken out by my thresher. "Thanks, where are we needed" Pietro speeds up to me.
"Wherever Vision is, I think in that forestry area" I say gesturing to the woods, he nods before picking me up and running there.

We arrive as Steve is thrown backwards by a purple blast, Pietro runs but is fazed through Thanos and he lands harshly near where Bruce is stuck in the rock. T'Challa is thrown to the ground and Sam shoots at him but Thanos casts them aside as he makes his way towards Vision and Wanda. I run to them as Vision tries to convince Wanda to destroy the stone, "Wanda. It's time." his broken voice says from the ground.
"No." Wanda immediately dismisses his idea.
"They can't stop him, Wanda, but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone." Wanda looks at him, pain written all over her face. Vision glances at me and I nod understanding this is what must be done.
"Don't." she tries to pull away from Vision.
"You must do it. Wanda, please. We...are...out of time." he pulls her hand to his face.
"I can't."
"Yes, you can. You can. If he gets the stone, half the universe dies." Vision reassures as he pushes her hand so it faces the stone in his head.
"It's not fair. It shouldn't be you, but it is." I say and Wanda looks at me almost pleadingly.
"Please...don't make me do this" she begs and a tear runs down my face.
"If you wont then I will, Wanda. I'm so sorry but we have run out of time, this is the only way" I say and she turns back to Vision.
"It's all right. You could never hurt me....I just...feel you" Vision says his last words as Wanda summons her powers and shoots at the gem. Vision lets out a cry and I stand behind Wanda, I wouldn't let anyone get to her and Vision. Wanda glances over at me as Thanos takes out my friends one by one, she adds another beam from her other hand to try speed up the process. Steve manages to hold Thanos for a few minutes before he got punched in the head. He looks up at us and I throw a shield at him. I use both my hands to stop him from moving but due to his shear strength, he pushes against it getting closer and closer. I stare into eyes when suddenly a blast of energy threw all of us backwards, I lost my shield and hit my side against a fallen tree. I glance up to see Thanos looking annoyed but not seeming upset that the last stone was just shattered.

He walks to a grieving Wanda and tries to comfort her by stroking her hair. Thanos ignites the time stone and begins to rewind what just happened, I stand up but the pain in my side and back prevent me from moving very quickly. I stagger at them as Vision is fully back, Wanda is swatted aside and I am kicked backwards. Thanos picks Vision up by the throat before ripping the mind stone out of Vision's head, Vision turns grey and thrown on top of me like a broken toy. I scramble from underneath him and try to find any sign of life but there was nothing, I try to use the reality stone inside me to find anything but there was nothing, he's gone. I glare up at Thanos as he completes his gauntlet, I stand not prepared to let him win just yet. He looks at me in surprise but then snarls as he shoots a full beam of energy at me, I throw up a shield but I could feel it breaking down, I was no match for the full power of the Infinity Stones. I glance up then sidestep the beam but before he could recover I run at him (high on adrenaline) and grasp the side of his head transporting myself into his memories.

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