Chapter 4

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It turns out I didn't have to wait too long before the perfect candidate came in for the Grandmaster's game. I had been called down to the VIP socialising area to meet the soon to be gladiator, the Grandmaster seems to really like me which is good cause it meant I didn't have to act like Loki's slave most of the time but I swear the guy gets a kick out of every time I have to act like he is my master. I arrive at the VIP area and see Loki entertaining some guests and someone strapped into a similar chair I was in when I first arrived. I walk over just as the Grandmaster starts playing some music and some of the guests dance along. I finally get a good look at the person in the was Thor. "Thor?" I question coming right up to him. "Avery, I'm so glad you're here"
"Yeah, how are you doing?"
"Fine just stuck in..." Thor pauses when he spots someone in the crowd, damn it he spotted Loki. He starts to call him over and Loki's face goes from glee to horror before he puts on grin then walks over shushing Thor as he does. "What? You're alive?" Loki asks.
"Yes, of course I'm alive."
"What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chair?"
"I didn't get a chair."
"Get me out of this one."
"I can't."
"I've made friends with this man. He's called the Grandmaster."
"Oh, he's crazy!"
"I've gained his favor.. The Bi-Frost brought me out here weeks ago then Avery a week before you turned up."
"Weeks ago? I just got here." Thor looks really confused then the Grandmaster pops up out of nowhere. "What are you whispering about?" The brothers jump startled at his sudden appearance. "Time works real different around these parts. On any other world, I'd be like, millions of years old. But here on Sakaar..." he trails off as he looks at me and Loki, specifically Loki as he blinks a few times. He's trying to flirt with my boyfriend. Loki looks stumped and Thor is equal parts disgusted and confused, poor guy. "In any case, you know this... You call yourself Lord of Thunder?" The Grandmaster continues as though nothing happened.
"God of Thunder. Tell him." Thor looks to me and Loki to support him but it would be better if Thor didn't big up his abilities.
"I've never met this man in my life." Loki tries to laugh it off.
"He's my brother." Thor shouts, annoyed. Oh he's your brother now, funny you weren't saying that when Odin died.
"Adopted." Loki pushes the accusation aside to try and distance himself from Thor.
"Is he any kind of a fighter?" Grandmaster asks and I could see where this is heading.
"He's alright but not the greatest warrior around" I quickly chime in and Loki nods along with me. However, Thor just wouldn't let it go and called out "You take this thing out of my neck and I'll show you." I sigh, I swear Thor has a death wish 99% of the time.
"Now listen to that. He's threatening me. Hey, Sparkles, here's the deal. If you wanna get back to Ass-place, Assberg..." The Grandmaster starts but Thor interrupts with a growl "Asgard."
"Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win." The Grandmaster puts a deal on the table.
"Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick." Thor relents not realising that was exactly what the Grandmaster wanted.
"That's what I call, contender! Direction would be this way, Lord." The Grandmaster then leads Thor away whilst he calls out to me and Loki. I watch the retreating chair with a defeated expression "He's going to get himself killed, isn't he?" I question not looking away.
"Yep" Loki replies with a heavy sigh. "I'll try to talk some sense into him" Loki then follows after the chair, leaving me by myself.
I lay in mine and Loki's bed trying to read a book but my mind was distracted, I hadn't heard about Thor all day besides the Grandmaster inviting me and Loki to his VIP box to watch the fight as promised. I look up from my book as Loki storms into the room and collapses on the bed, "How was it, is he going to pull out?" I question and close my book, putting it on the side. He lifts his head up to look at me "What do you think? The oaf is so stubborn. I tried to convince him not to go back to Asgard, Hela is way too powerful but he didn't listen. He just sat there giving me the silent treatment and throwing stones at me. Then he starts bringing up the events of the two days, I think he's still holding a grudge. He threw a bottle at me when I told him about how savage the Grandmaster's champion is and I decided to leave." Loki tells me whilst I lay next to him. "What do you mean, he was throwing stones and a bottle?" I ask putting my head on his chest, he reaches up to stroke my head. Ever since we kissed properly Loki has been more affectionate especially in private and, honestly, I don't mind. "I went to see him as an illusion because I didn't think I would be allowed in person and Thor was disappointed when he realised I was an illusion." Loki explains and I sigh propping my head up on his chest. "He's obviously not going to listen to you if you're an illusion. That just shows that he can't trust you to be there when he needs you the most. You've always greeted him in illusions next time maybe actually see him in person and establish that you actually want to be there with him." I try to explain and Loki smiles in understanding. "Get some sleep, we have a busy day tomorrow" I nod and snuggle into his side. "I'll try, pet, I promise. Just for you."
The entire next day was spent preparing for the fight that was to take place tonight, I had gone down to see Thor when he was trying to convince Val to help him but she wasn't having it. Me and Thor talked for a few minutes before he was sent off to get ready then I chatted with Val and she promised that she would be watching the game but from her ship above. I put on the simple blue dress that The Grandmaster sent me this morning. (A/N: You can choose which colour you prefer).

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