Carter Kane Dating Headcanons ✨ | ღ

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August 11th, 2021

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Can I please request dating carter kane headcanons ? Thank you

I have little experience, but after 2 hours of rereading stuff I sure hope I got some of his character right!Pairing: Carter Kane x reader
Word count: 600
Warnings: None

The two of you probably met by you arriving at the Brooklyn House. You were first introduced to Sadie, who eventually after a quick tour of the house introduced you to her 'deadly boring' brother (her words.)

When Carter laid eyes upon you he lost all composure. He was doing something - for sure he must have, however as soon as he laid his eyes on you he was starstruck. So much so that he barely managed to get a word out before Sadie took you away, grinning like an idiot at her brother's little crush. Oh she will have so much fun with this.

It took a while before Carter could behave like a normal person around you. In the beginning he often info-dumped you a lot on whatever you asked about, but after a while he got used to the stammering in his chest whenever he talked to you which made social interactions a lot easier.

Fast forward past a lot of teasing from Sadie and a awkward confession after a dangerous mission and the two of you are dating

Dates with Carter have a bit of range - he tends to try to be a gentleman when it comes to dates. Dinner dates where he opens doors for you, gets your seat and where he overall is a gentleman. The other side of dates would be casual study or research dates, just the two of you (and a lot of books)

If you want more 'teen' dates, like the movies or going shopping, you would need to ask Carter. After all, he has been taught to be a bit uptight and gentlemany, so these things are more like tropes of movies for him, but he would not mind letting you take the lead sometimes (although he would worry if you pick dangerous stuff as in skydiving or something. Why would you want that? You face danger every day?)

Carter is not a kissing-in-the-halls PDA person, but he does like to show the world that you are his. He wouldn't mind standing close, holding hands or having an arm around your hips. And goodbye kisses are mandatory (which results in groans of Sadie)

At the Brooklyn house he is pretty awkward to do physical affection, he is more of a quality time, acts of service kind of person. But if you guide him and reassure him how to cuddle and hold you he can learn, slowly.

Speaking of the Brooklyn house, if you date Carter you will become more responsible in the house. Don't let him catch you slacking off - you will be scolded by him. He would appreciate it if you took some of his responsibilities and helped him with work around the house.

Carter is not the person to get jealous easily, but he is insecure. You need to reassure him that you truly are his, and only his. So although he might not get all possessive of you, he might distance himself until you seek him out and ask what is going on.If you are gone for a long time he will miss you, and he makes it clear as he hugs you when he sees you again. It might also be that he was worried - because the world out there is dangerous and he can't protect you when you are not by his side. If you have to go on a mission for the house, he would much rather tag along then let you go alone, just to make sure that you are safe.

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