St. Lucifer

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Maya groaned as the sun hit her shut eyes. She felt something hit her face and noticed her bra hanging on the light. "Oh, God," she muttered.

"Don't worry, my father's the forgiving sort," Lucifer laughed as he pulled Maya closer. "Well, except when it comes to me,"

Maya turned over so she could face him.

"Triple espresso or hair of the dog?" Lucifer asked.

"If you can top Starbucks I am down for a coffee," Maya smiled. "So last night..."

"Oh, Winchester, it was extraordinary. The heat, the gymnastics. I mean, you had moves that made even the Devil blush,"

"Not so bad yourself," Maya smiled as they kissed. She groaned when her phone buzzed on the nightstand.

"Ignore it," Lucifer muttered.

"It's most likely work," Maya picked up the phone and looked it over. "Damn it!" she quickly got out of the bed and began grabbing her multiple clothing items that were strewn across the room.

"That's a view I could get used to," Lucifer mused.


Maya hurried into the crime scene with Lucifer right behind. "Hi, sorry," she told Chloe as she caught her breath.

Chloe looked Maya up and down "Are those the same clothes you wore yesterday?"

Before Maya could respond, Lucifer looked at the body.

"Dearie me," Lucifer said. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of a .38,"

"Yeah," Chloe sighed "single gunshot wound to the chest. No wallet. Tan marks where a ring and a watch were lifted,"

"A staircase robbery," Maya mused.

"Is that a thing now?" Lucifer wondered.

"This is the Dunlear Foundation," Chloe explained as she stood up "They help the homeless and the underprivileged,"

"So, who's the dashing corpse?"

"Tim Dunlear himself, head of the foundation, former NBA star, notorious playboy. He was into drugs, gambling, women,"

"Sounds like Lucifer's typical Wednesday," Maya teased.

"But then he left pro ball and he turned his life around. He dedicated himself to philanthropy. He was beloved,"

"Right," Lucifer said "bad boy turned good. It's interesting,"

Chloe turned as a man was being led outside "Are you, Emmett Toussaint? You found the body? I'm Detective Decker and this is my partner Detective Smith. Can you tell us what happened?"

"I volunteer for the foundation's outreach program." Emmett said "Came here to meet him, and he was just lying here,"

"How did you know Mr. Dunlear?" Maya questioned.

"He sponsored me to come to LA after the earthquake in Haiti. Tim was my mentor,"

"Handsome and saintly," Lucifer noted.

"Talking about yourself are we?" Maya whispered to him with a smirk.

"Did you see anyone else at the scene or notice anything strange?" Chloe wondered.

"There was a guy outside," Emmett recalled. "He ran when he saw me. I gave the cops a description. Think he was homeless,"

"Did Mr. Dunlear ever speak of a certain philanthropic high after one of his selfless acts?" Lucifer asked.

Chloe sent Lucifer a look, before turning back to Emmett "I'm sorry about your mentor. We'll call you if we have any more questions," she glared at Lucifer.

"What?" Lucifer asked "I just feel quite connected to our victim,"

Chloe laughed "You are nothing like Tim Dunlear,"

"Bad boy with a heart of gold? I am everything like Tim. May as well be solving my own murder,"

"Only you could turn a tragic death into an excuse to talk about you,"

Lucifer scoffed "Well, who else would I talk about?"


"My husband was so generous. If they had just asked for help, he would have given them anything. What kind of person would do something like this?" The widow asked.

"Well, how much time do you have?" Lucifer wondered, earning a jab from Maya's elbow.

"Time would be devastated to know we've got to cancel the fund-raising gala," A man said.

"You're right, Kyle," The widow agreed.

"Well, we wouldn't want to devastate our fallen hero," Lucifer claimed. "The show must go on,"

"This is an active crime scene," Chloe reminded him. "We can't have an event here,"

"No, that wouldn't be right." The widow said.

"Well, he just happens to own the preeminent party venue in Los Angeles," Maya noted.

Lucifer nodded "You can hold your benefit at my club,"

"I don't know," The widow said.

"No, no, your husband was a kindred spirit, and I pledge to carry on his good work and personally find...and punish...his killer,"

"Tim always said Tragedy brings sorrow but also true good. Thank you,"

"You are so welcome,"

The trio watched the widow and Kyle leave the room.

"If this was a robbery, our perp's gonna want to cash in before the cops get wind of this," Maya noted. "So I'll call the local pawn shops..."

"What is with you two today?" Chloe interrupted.

"It was rather benevolent of me," Lucifer smiled "offering up Lux, don't you think?"

Maya tilted her head "Well, one good deed doesn't make you a saint,"

"Well, last I counted, it was two good deeds," Lucifer flirted. "But, uh, I'm not feeling the same rush as before. Perhaps I'm gonna have to up my game,"

"Whatever you say, St. Lucifer," Maya flirted.

"Oh," Lucifer purred "St. Lucifer. Suits me, don't you think?"

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