Chapter Twenty

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I continued to walk even though my vision began to turn black. I was very dizzy, but my vision finally grew back to be normal. The stress was killing me, who knew being separated from someone I once hated would eventually affect me this way. I needed to get my mind off of him, but I couldn't.

*    *    *    *

It was 3:56 pm. I was waiting on my front porch for Daniel to arrive. I saw Benny across the street leave his house with a baseball glove in his hand. He looked over at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Even from afar, I could still see the sad expression on Benny's face. He continued walking though, I was glad he didn't decide to walk up to me.

Daniel's car pulled up, I shot up from the step I was sitting on and went over to his car. Grabbing onto the handle, it was kind of cold.

"You left your skateboard at my house this morning." Said Daniel, "So I put it in the backseat."

"Oh okay thank you." I faked a smile.

"So you wanna go to the skatepark? I brought my board too."

"Sure." I avoided eye contact with Daniel. He then began to drive into the direction of the skatepark. I looked out the window, glaring at each structure passing by.

Daniel pulled into the parking lot of the town's park. We both took our skateboard's from the backseat and went over to the bowl.

"You know any tricks?" Asked Daniel.

"Only Ollie and a Kick flip." I answered.

"Let me teach you to shove it."


Daniel was very touchy while teaching me, I didn't mind it too much though. I lost my balance and fell off the board, but Daniel caught me, catching me by my waist. He helped me stand back up, "Maybe we should take a little break." The smile on his face told me exactly how he felt about me.

I nodded, agreeing with him. We left the skating bowl and sat down at a picnic table that was painted green.

Daniel and I were getting to know each other, turns out he's into karate too. Daniel's life was actually really interesting.

I saw a figure in the corner of my eye, both Daniel & I looked up to see Benny. "Really Rowan?"

"What?" I began to play dumb, I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"You've been avoiding me, I see you at some house party hanging out with this dude. I confront you earlier about it all, and all you say is that you still hate me. Have you actually been avoiding me just because you have a boyfriend and you didn't want to tell me?"

Daniel put his hands up in defense, "I'm not her boyfriend man."

"Benny, I barely met Daniel the other day." I explained.

Benny rolled his eyes, "I know the reason isn't because you hate me. I'm not that gullible."

He walked away before I got the chance to say anything. I was going to run after him, but I wasn't going to leave Daniel. "Go after him." He said.

"What?" I was really confused.

"Go after Benny, I know there's something you want to tell him."

I nodded in response to him, I got and ran, "Benny! Wait!"

Benny turned around, irritated of course, "What?"

I sighed, "Do you want to know the real reason I've been avoiding you?" My heart was pounding out of my chest at this point.

"Sure." Benny was still annoyed, and I couldn't blame him.

I was shaking uncontrollably, I couldn't make words come out of my mouth. I've never been such a nervous wreck before. "I like you Benny." I quickly spoke.

Benny's facial expression seemed to be judgemental...or confused. Regret immediately filled my head, I felt like the biggest idiot ever.

"I know you probably don't like me back now." I was
talking pretty fast, "I mean after all the only reason you like me is because I'm the only girl who isn't basically falling all over you. And now that I am I kn-" I was cut off by Benny's lips against mine.

Fireworks were going off, not literally, but let me have my moment.

Benny broke the kiss, "You seriously think I won't like you just because you like me? Plus, that isn't the only reason I like you." Benny's hand was still cupping my cheek. I was speechless, I had no clue on what to say. I was filled with pure joy.

"Hey Rowan." Daniel came up to us holding onto my skateboard, "Here's your board, I should probably get home."

"Thanks Daniel." I took the board from him, I kind of felt bad. Daniel was a really nice guy, but then again. Benny was the one there for me at the hospital. Benny is the one I wanted in the first place. Rosaline was right, I liked Benny from the start, but the new feeling was so weird to me that I decided to cover it up with hatred.

I dropped my skateboard onto the grass and threw my hands around Benny's neck, "I'm sorry for being such an asshole."

He hugged me back, thankfully. That'd just be flat out embarrassing if he didn't. "Don't apologize for being who you are." He teased.

I let go slightly from the hug and looked at him, "Fuck you Rodriguez."

Word Count: 907

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