Chapter Fifteen

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Rowan's Pov:

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I honestly don't like bacon, but I'm really hungry. Benny wasn't next to me. I began to think how weird it is that Benny & I casually just slept in the same bed.

I got up and felt this sharp pain in my heart. I held myself for a moment before going into the kitchen, to see Benny cooking, "Didn't know you could cook." I commented as I went up to stand next to him.

He smiled at me, "Good morning to you too Rowan. How you feeling?"

"Like shit." I shrugged, "Where's your mom?"

"She left for work already."

"Okay, well I'm not going to go to school today." I said about to walk off.

"Well okay, but there's your plate." Benny pointed to a white plate with bacon and eggs on it.

The two foods I despise the most, "Thanks." I grabbed it and sat down at the dining table. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean I'm gonna be a bitch. He took the time to make me food which I'm thankful for.

He sat down in front of me with his own plate, "You're a lot nicer than from when I first met you." He stated taking a bite of his eggs.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened."

He gave me an unamused look, so I smiled in response. After I finished my breakfast, I put my plate in the sink, "I'm gonna go home, soo."

"Okay, wait for me."

"What? You've got school."

"And you still feel like shit, right?" He stood in front of me, kind of intimidating if you ask me. Considering how close he is. Benny placed his plate into the sink as well.

"Well yeah." I shrugged.

"Then I'm not going to leave you alone."

I rolled my eyes, "Fine let me get my backpack."

I went into Benny's room to get my backpack, then we headed to my house. My mom still wasn't home. So we just went upstairs into my bedroom. I grew worried about my mother, but I let it go.

Benny & I just hung out with each other. He talked non-stop about baseball. Which I didn't mind too much because I love baseball. He was getting annoying, "Get out of my room so I can change my clothes." I interrupted him as I got up from my bed.

He didn't say anything back, he just left my room as he closed the door behind him. I shuffled through my closet and threw on a black pair of carpenter dickies & a white crop top. I know it's basic.

The doorbell rang as I was stepping into my pants, "Benny can you get that?!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" He yelled back.

Benny's Pov:

I was waiting outside of Rowan's room because she wanted to change her clothes. The doorbell rang so she asked me to get it. I ran downstairs and opened the door, revealing a police officer with a thick black mustache.

"Uh hi?" I was a little scared for Rowan, I knew she was doing drugs and I had no clue what the fuck was going on.

"I'm here for Rowan Hart." The officer told me, "She here?"

"Yeah she's upstairs." I answered, "I'll go get her." I turned around and walked upstairs as casually as I could. My heart sunk, I really was hoping Rowan wasn't in trouble or anything. I knocked on her bedroom door and she swung it open, "There's a cop asking for you." I said.

Her eyes went big and she whispered to me, "Grab the Percs in my backpack and flush them down the toilet."

I did exactly as she said, I just threw the whole bag of pills in and flushed it. I then went back downstairs with Rowan so she could talk to the cop.

"Miss Hart?" Questioned the officer, clarifying that it was her.

"That's me." She replied.

"Your mother, Sandra Davis, she's in the hospital."

"For what?" I could see the expression on Rowan's face was full of worry, but a mix of 'that makes sense.'

"She's in a coma, she overdosed on laced Percocet's."

Rowan was speechless, she looked at the ground and muttered to herself, "Holy shit."

"Would you like me to take you to the hospital so you could visit your mother?" Asked the cop.

"Yes please." Rowan looked up, "May my friend come?" She pointed toward me.

"Yes, of course." The cop turned around and headed toward his car.

Rowan & I walked slowly then hopped into the back seat of the cop car. I've never been in a cop car before, but from the looks of it, Rowan has.

Rowan's Pov:

We finally arrived to the hospital, the cop helped us check in and led me to the room my mom was in. I walked in slowly to see my mom peacefully lying on her back, connected to some thingy.

I walked up the bed she lying on, Benny stood behind me and I could already sense his concern. My heart felt heavy.

My mom may not be the best mom, but I still love her. I hated to see her like this, why the hell did she even take those Percs?

Maybe this is how Benny feels with me.

I tried to stop myself from tearing up in front of Benny, I didn't need him to know I have feelings.

I slowly walked out of the room and sat down at the cushioned bench that was in front of the room. Of course Benny followed me and sat down next to me, "Are you okay?" He asked me, noticing the tear streaming down my face.

"What the hell does it look like?" I avoided looking at him.

"I'm really sorry about your mom Rowan."

"I'm just glad she's safe." I whispered, my voice began to crack. Benny put his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. "This fucking sucks Benny." I began, "I love my mom, even after everything she's done to me. Like this may be her karma, but I care about her still."

"Having a bad parent is rough." He stated, "I may not completely know what it's like, but I can tell what it's done to you. Sometimes you just gotta focus on other things though, and realize that everything is only temporary."

I felt something change...physically and mentally. It was weird, like Benny just...touched my heart? I don't know. I looked Benny in the eyes, I definitely had a confused look on my face.

Word Count: 1102

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