"Toshi, I will be fine, don't worry about it." The blonde reached for the 2 hands that embraced around his face. He lowered his hands and smiled at Shinso.

"Fineee if you say so, I will try to sleep 5 hours. Now go to your class, my dad is gonna kill you if you're late" The lilac smirked before walking away to his classroom.

"See you! BYE SHIN" Denki started running to his classroom, hoping he wouldn't be too late.

Kaminari ran through the halls, seeing the 1-A door already. He quickly opens the door and sits down in his chair. At the moment he sat down his energy lowered and he felt like falling asleep. Today was going to be a long day for Kaminari.

* Insert school bell noises *

Aizawa sensei walked through the classroom door. In his arms was a yellow sleeping bag. "I don't feel like teaching, so do whatever you want just don't wake me up. Only if someone is dying." The teacher fell on the ground and in a couple of seconds sleeping noises were made.

Everyone starts talking to each other while Denki. Yeah, he fell asleep 2 minutes after Aizawa sensei's amazing message.

The bell rang and everyone had left the classroom except for the sleeping blonde, he needed sleep. Not only today he slept 2 hours. It's been over 3 days. 3 days and only 6 hours of sleep. It was killing him. As the blonde dreamed further in his seat, Izuku and his squad started a conversation with their homeroom teacher.

"Aizawa sensei! Denki," Izuku says while pointing at Denki, "He slept 2 hours today. The bell didn't even wake him up, could he have a day off or go to recovery girl? This is super unhealthy."

The teacher looked at Denki seeing the eyebags he has are bigger than his own. "Aizawa sensei, he didn't eat breakfast today and if I didn't give him dinner yesterday he wouldn't have been eating yesterday's evening too."

"Alright alright, you and your friends will have the day off to help Kaminari. Give him some food, and can someone carry him to the dorms? Aizawa says finding it weird they are the ones telling him this and not the people where he hangs out most of the time.

"Thank you Aizawa sensei," Midoriya says before bowing and grabbing Denki. "He doesn't weigh anything"

"That doesn't sound good, should we go to Recovery Girl ribbit?" A worried look covered Tsuyu's face.

Izuku looked at the light boy in his arms, he was sleeping peacefully. "I think he needs to rest first." And so went the Deku Squad to the blonde's dorm.

The 5 friends and the sleeping boy went to Denki's dorm room. The blonde was laid on his bed and as soon as that happened he curled up in a ball. While the blond slept, the Deku Squad waited.

It's been 5 hours. 5 whole hours and he still isn't up. This made the 5 friends more worried. School is almost over and he still isn't awake. As a distraction, they looked around Denki's room. Finding all kinds of stuff all over his room.

His room was decorated with photos of the ones he loved. Their school photos, selfies, and posters of all kinds of shows and movies. Next to that was his desk full of books he needs to study. His desk was a mess, everything was everywhere.

"Is this a Diagnosis test? Positive on ADHD and Dyslexia." Uraraka holds up a Doctor's note. They all looked at it and then at the blonde. Still sleeping like he hasn't slept for a whole week. The friend looked further around the room. Next to his desk was a jar filled with lids of all kinds of soda, most likely monster energy. On the bed where he is laying now are tons of plushies. Under his desk was a pink box.

"AWHHHH he is the one we give the secret presents," Tsu says while looking through the box's finding her present for next month. "That's so sweet!!" Uraraka fangirls.

"presents? What presents? " Iida looks through the box finding all kinds of stuff to help against the pain and horror that happens every once in a month.

"While every month a girl has her period and feels like crap. And there has been an anonymous person giving the girls from class 1a and later on also the girls from 1b present the same day as their period begins. We all thought it was a girl doing it knowing that everyone gets it on the same day as it starts. But it was Denki who did it, that must have cost a lot ribbit." Tsu explains.

"That is sweet but isn't that like 12 to 20 girls to give the present to every month?" Todoroki says.

"Yeah that's why we wanted to figure out who it was, so we could pay them back ribbit." Tsu says.

Before the boys could answer Tsyu, they heard a groan behind them. The blonde on the bed moved around in his sleep and eventually woke up. Sitting straight up in his bed he stretched his arms a bit and yawned. After 5 seconds they hear an "Hai, what are you guys doing here?" in a quiet morning voice.

"You fell asleep in the classroom and Aizawa-sensei asked us to take care of you"

"Oh damn sorry, where were you guys even looking at?" The blonde says turning to the Dekusquad. He raised the duvet and slowly walked to the friend group.

"AH fuck you guys found that, ohh that's so embarrassing." Kaminari says while putting his hand on his face.

"What no, it is super sweet you do this, but doesn't it cost like a fortune?" Uraraka asked.

"Nah that doesn't matter, it's nice to see you guys get happy Shinso helps me with class 1b. I have a planner for it, wait let me grab it."

Kaminari stood up and grabbed 2 month-planners out of his drawer. Both were covered in a drawing. There was one for 1A and one for the B-class. In the back of the planners were notes on the money he could spend.

"Wow, this is so cool!!" Uraraka said, looking through the planner.

"Thank you, next to Shinso you are the first one who said that." The brunette went through the planner finding random doodles on pages.

"You said you do this together with Shinso, right? Are you guys friends?" Tsu ask

"Yeah we're friends, he is nice and sweet." Smiled by the thoughts. He watches Uraraka and Tsuyu go through his notes and planners.

"We're also friends with him, he is sort of part of our friend group."

Denki's smile grew. He has heard so many sweet stories about the Lilac's new friends. "He told me a lot about you guys, thank you for being so friendly to him." The blonde smile dropped "Wait what's the time?"

"It's 4 PM, why?"

"SHIT I'M LATE" Denki screams while running to his closet and grabbing his work uniform. He quickly packs his stuff and stuffed it in one of his many tote bags.

"You're late for what?" Izuku asked.

"Work, I have work right now. My shift at 4 PM" Done with packing his bag Dneki quickly grabbed his phone to call the lovely redhead. The phone went off 4 times before it connected. "Hey Aki, I am so sorry I'm running late, I will be there in 20 I promise!"

"Hey slow down Denks and I don't mind, I will cover just come as fast as you can."

"Will do thanks, Aki, bye," Denki says before hanging up. "Thank you guys for caring for me. I appreciate it but I really need to go!! See you in the evening." He runs out of the door with his phone in his hand still struggling with putting on his jacket.

2006 words

Forgotten Birthday • Angst • Denki Kaminari 《MHA》Where stories live. Discover now