"Phil, I am not a boy." I laughed out, already tweeting my reply.

"I don't know, you have an honorary dick or something." Phil mumbled out, I slammed my hands into my desk at this, letting out a practical scream from laughter.

Techno was coughing from how hard he was laughing, and Wil was saying something about how he couldn't breathe. I couldn't even understand what Phil was saying anymore. We were all extremely sleep deprived, I know Techno hasn't even slept for forty eight hours at the minimum.

I leaned back in my chair too quickly, because I quite literally fell backwards, hitting the ground and my headset falling off of my head. I ended up laughing harder, ignoring the way I was completely winded.

I blindly reached for my headset, managing to grab it and put it on. "Please-!" I laughed out, coughing violently as I spoke. My stomach hurt from wheezing and my face hurt from smiling. "I fell out of my chair!" I practically screamed the words, the laughter in my headset getting even louder from the three men.

I grabbed my phone which was currently in my pocket, thankful it didn't fall out. I hadn't even gotten off the floor yet, still sitting in my hair even though it was laying on the ground. It was a struggle to unlock my phone because of the violent laughs leaving my body. I managed it, and opened my camera. I took a picture of my current situation, my hair splayed across the ground and my head still resting on my chair though the carpet was under me. I scribbled out my face before sending it to the discord.

Some people may find it strange, but I hadn't told them my real name yet, or shown them my face. Techno's seen it, but that's it. And that's just because we did a video call one night while watching a horror movie, I had built up the confidence due to far too much caffeine and serious sleep deprivation.

Now I send him photos of myself often, FaceTime even, I've grown comfortable with him.

I don't regret it.

"Please, why are you still on the ground! Get up, mate!" Phil yelled, and I shook my head before remembering they couldn't see me.

"Stop makin' me laugh! I have to get back to farmin'!" Techno yelled next, character beginning to poorly run along the farm once more. It still stopped every few moments from laughter. Wil had completely given up and let himself fall into some kind of wheezing.

"Look dude! I have an honorary dick! Do the men on Twitter believe I'm actually the one playing the game now?!" It was a common joke among my friends how I'm almost constantly barraged by male game followers. I don't do a face reveal, and I don't do a hand cam purely to spite them, because they simply think I have a man playing for me.

It's been a rumor since I was around five hundred thousand even, that I'm not actually the one playing.

Though, the joke apparently landed because the others began laughing again.

I checked Twitter, seeing I was getting a strangely large barrage of notifications. "Oh no, guys, the name Sleepy Boys seems to be sticking." I laughed a bit more, having to relax my face to stop the soreness from smiling so much.

Phil sighed, his laughter slowly dying down along with the others. "I think it fits us well," The oldest said, turning on his camera for a moment. We could see the way he was smiling.

"Besides the fact Ti- Torva is a girl."

My heart stopped for a moment, and I don't know why. I shouldn't be so uncomfortable with Tech almost saying my real name, I'm best friends with Wil and Phil, almost as much as I am with Techno. And yet it still made almost everyone in the call go silent.

【𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫】Where stories live. Discover now