Harry was going mad. He was desperate for answers about the letter. His blood bubbling uncomfortably under his skin. The need to know was killing him.

But Ryker just went on with his story, dismissing him completely.

"You see, If the ruling leader of a state was to be forcibly killed without any direct heirs with the land's magic in their blood, the land itself would become barren and die for thousands of years. This magic was placed to ensure peace between the empire, so that no king or queen would wage war against each other to claim their lands. But here was the catch-  If a royal blooded omega of one kingdom were to have spawns with a royal blooded alpha of another kingdom, the heirs would have the spirits of both the nations! They could take over both the lands and kill the ruler without any problems. The end. Isn't it a sweet little story?"

Harry took a step back to take support from the table. Everything was too raw again.

"Oh yeah!" The Zayn's eyes were burning as he drawled. "A classic piece of literature! You sure you didn't miss a couple of 'beheadings' and  'assassinations' in there? You know...add in a few mercenaries and witches doing voodoo. You certainly look like you have jumped right off the sweet little story. Using eye drops of blood and all!"

"Oh but it's true!" The alpha chuckled. " Aren't you a feisty one though. Also high status... Valium I believe... Perhaps you can give our prince here some company in our bed! The more the merrier."  

Ryker took a step towards Harry but both he and Zayn were swift to raise their swords. "Harry stays here, and so do I!" Zayn growled. "The only departure this room will witness is yours, to hell!"

But Harry knew their situation was bad. From the corner of his eyes, he saw armed guards slowly filling up the room. But Ryker simply shook his head with a smile and continued with the story.

"Out of the eighteen kings, nine ruled northern Alamain and nine ruled the south. Centuries ago, during the rise of the High Garium empire, we accidentally wiped out 2 rulers without any heir. The Great southern desert you see now, is what used to be their lands. We learnt our lesson then. Over the course of centuries, we waited. And every time a royal born omega became.....available...we struck and killed. Until we alone were the legitimate rulers of the entire southern continent." Ryker's eyes sparked as he slowly looked at Harry. Pinning him to the spot with his deadly gaze.

"But when we turned our eyes towards the north, we discovered a huge secret. High Gariums weren't the only ones strengthening their blood ties... Throughout the centuries, the Carnelian rulers were also mating with royal born omegas. They had good ties with the other nations, and whenever a dispute arose with claims regarding any omega, it was generally the Styles who got lucky because of their immense wealth, power and respect. They did this for thousands of years, perfecting the land spirit and we allowed them to do it without interfering. But unlike High Gariums, the Styles never used this enormous power. They kept to their land, keeping everyone else happy. And as per present times, Queen Leana and this omega have direct claims to more than thirteen nations, both northern and southern Alamain combined." Ryker tilted his head. The smirk permanent on his lips. "So now do you see it, my little prince, why we had to have you? Keeping you alive would allow us to completely wipe out the old rulers and start a fresh. A dawn of a new era with the High Gariums with absolute power, starting with our sons and daughters borne by you!"

Harry was shocked. 

Yes, he was aware of the land spirit thing and the power of the children of royal omegas, but what his forefathers had quietly done throughout the years? And the power both he and Leanna possessed? That was a huge revelation.

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