-13; scared-

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I was back at Hogwarts, walking to the Slytherin common room. I knew she'd be there at this time of the day. I just hoped so badly she wouldn't see the mark. Who knew how she'd react?

As I was finally back in the slytherin common room, I spotted her sitting in the corner of the room with her nose in her book. I chuckled lightly, my arms crossed.

She looked up at me, and smiled ever so brightly before running up to me. "I missed you so so so much!" she exclaimed, as I held her in my arms, her legs wrapped across my waist.

I hugged her back, before speaking up. "I missed you to love," I said, as she let go of me, stepping down onto the floor. I gave her a soft kiss, as she kissed me back.

"How'd it go?" she asked, a bright smile on her face as her fingers tangled between each other. "It went fine," I lied, trying to show her a real smile.

"I'm glad," she said, as she grabbed my right hand pulling me towards the chair she had sat in. "Could you please read for me?" she asked as I nodded at her. I sat down in the chair, as she sat down on my lap.

She curled up, as I began reading the book to her. After about 5 minutes, she was sound asleep in my lap. I caressed her cheek. "I'm sorry for everything my love" I spoke, before falling asleep myself.


We had fallen asleep in the chair. As I looked up at Draco, I saw he was still asleep. It made me happy, because I knew he needed that sleep. I softly stroke his arm, making sure I didn't wake him up.

I laid in his lap for about half an hour, before he woke up. "Morning darling," he spoke, as he gave my forehead a light kiss. I smiled softly at him, before getting ready to stand up. "Please stay," he said, as he held my wrist.

"Draco, we have school today," I said as he huffed.

"Why do we have school everyday?" he whined as I smiled at him, and began standing up. He had his arm wrapped around my waist as he followed me to my dorm.

When we arrived, he helped me chose todays skirt, which was basically skirts with different lengths. He stayed in my dorm as I changed before getting up to leave.

His sleeve rised up a bit when he stood, as I spotted the end of something. Black ink? Wait?

"Draco..?" I asked, as he saw where my gaze was pointed at. "Is that...?" I asked as he sat back down, head in hands.

"Darling I was gonna tell you, but I didn't know how, it happened this weekend. My father forced me into this," he said, as a tear fell from his eyes.

"Draco, look at me," I said, walking towards him and crouching in front of him. He looked away, scared to see my reaction.

"It's okay," I said, as he looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I believe you, if this happend to me I would be scared to tell the one I love as well," I said, as he cried, wrapping his arms around me.

"I want to keep you safe," he muttered, as I nodded, kissing his head. "I don't know how, now that I'm mixed up into this," he said, crying.

He pulled me onto his lap as I softly held him and stroked his back. "I'll tell Dumbeldore you're sick, and that I'll watch you, okay?" I asked, as he looked up at me, nodding.

I got out of his lap, grabbing my robe and heading out the door muttering a soft 'goodbye'

- - -

I was outside Dumbedore's office, knocking lighlty on the door. "Come in!" he said, as I opened the door, seeing him sat behind his desk.

"Miss Jones, what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked, looking up from his desk.

"Hello Dumbledore," I said as he smiled at me. "I came to tell you that Draco is sick so we won't be attending classes today," I said as he looked at me with a questioning look.

"We?" he asked as I realized I forgot to tell him I would watch him.

"Yes, we. I'll stay and make sure he's okay," I said as Dumbeldore nodded.

"Shall I call mrs. Pomfrey to check on him?" he asked as I shook my head, fiddling with my hands. No one else can know about the mark.

"No, he just has a cold," I replied as Dumbledore noted it down, before allowing me to leave.

I was making my way back to my dorm, when I stumbled across Pansy. "Hey!" she said, smiling at me.

"Hey Pansy," I replied, as I had the urge to get back to Draco, he needs comfort right now.

"I heard Draco spent the weekend at Malfoy manor?" she asked, as I nodded.

"Yea, he got a cold on his way home so I got to go watch him!" I said, trying to make it all sound convincing.

She nodded hesitentaly, before accepting it and we separated ways.


sorry for shot chapter ya'll im sick rn but will try to write sum. also like another family member is at the edge of passing away so idk how much i will update this story.

im loosing kinda interest in writing this, so if you have any ideas —>

ill try to write 20 chapters..

see ya'll soon loves <3

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