-11; Leaving-

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A few days had passed since my mother sent me the letter. I've been miserable. I punch the wall, stay up all night, I'm barely eating. I think Bella's worried. We sat in the great hall, the others were eating.

"Draco, have you eaten the past few days?" Bella asks, rubbing my shoulder. I pull away from her, I don't want her to touch me, it just makes me feel worse. "Yes." I said, but it came out ruder than I hoped.

She nodded, going back to eat her food. I don't know if I should tell her? It's Friday, and it's happening this weekend. "What are the plans for this beautiful weekend?" Pansy asked, clapping her hands together.

"I'm going home," I muttered, looking down. "Oh, well, how do you feel about that?" Bella asked, slightly worried. "It's okay, I guess" I lied. I was honestly terrified, what my father would do. I can't run away from him either.

Voldemort would find me, and hurt me. I was scared. "Okay, excuse us," Bella said, standing up and holding her hand out for me to take. I hesitated, but took it as she led us towards her dorm.

"Draco, what's wrong with you?" she asked worriedly. "Nothing," I said looking down. "You know you can talk to me, whatever it is, right?" she said, smiling at me. I nodded, as a tear left my eye. She hugged me, bringing me closer to her.

I hugged her back. Maybe this was what I needed, a hug from her. Just knowing she's there. But who would want to date a death eater? "Do you want to lay in bed, before you leave?" she asked, as I nodded.

This could be my last moment with her. She doesn't want to date a death eater. I'll have to push her away, to keep her safe. We laid in her bed, as she played with my hair, relaxing me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, making me shake my head. She nodded, giving me sweet kisses on my head. I fell asleep in the love of my life's arms. Maybe for the last time ever.


He sounds so scared. I'm glad he fell asleep. I don't think he's slept anything this week. I don't know why, I want to know, no matter what it is, I'm here for him. I'm his girlfriend, and for everything he's done for me, he deserves this.

He was so relaxed in my arms. His head laid on my chest, my hand was playing with his hair. I don't want this moment to end. No one of our friends knew what was wrong. I looked at him.

His knuckles were sore, he had bags under his eyes, he looked skinnier, I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything for days, he just says it to make me not worried. It's only making me worry more.

His sweet scent filled my nostrils, as I put my head back, breathing his scent in, in the process. I kissed his head, admiring it. We wouldn't be able to see each other for some days, I had to savour the moment.

- - -

We fell asleep in eachothers arms. "Draco, you're going to miss your train" I said softly, looking down on him. "I don't want to go home," he said. "I'm sure your mom misses you a lot, her sweet son" I said, kissing his head softly.

He got up slowly, trying to make the moment last as long as possible. "It's okay Draco, you're coming back in a couple of days, we can spend time together then, and you can send letters you know," I said smiling, he nodded, but he didn't seem happy.

I kissed his lips softly, he kissed me back, as his hands wrapped around my waist, mine around his neck. "I'm going to miss you Bella," he said, nuzzling his head in my neck. I gave his ear a soft kiss, as he let me go.

"I'll come back before I leave, okay?" he said, as I nodded smiling. He left my dorm, as I was still worried. I knew his father wasn't the best, but it couldn't be that, right? It had to be worse than that.


I cried silently walking to my dorm. I had one more moment with her, before it all went down. I'm just hoping my mother could stop him before I come. I walked into my dorm, packing some clothes.

I thought about Bella, our relationship, My father would think she's a distraction, and that that is everything she is. The only thing she distracts me from is the real world. The sad, depressing world we all were born into.

I'm glad I met her, and made her my girlfriend. I would marry her, hadn't it been for my god awful father forcing me to become a death eater. The only way she can be safe is by me, pushing her away.

I'm only going to break her. I cried while packing. I didn't want what we had to end. She's too good for me. She always was. I smiled at the thought of her. My cries came to a stop, and I finally had a genuine smile.

I had my bag finished, as I made my way to her dorm, for the last time. No matter how little I wanted this to be the last time, it had to be. I don't want to risk her getting hurt. I opened the door to her dorm, seeing her in just a t-shirt and underwear.

I smiled at her, since this was the last time I'll see her like this. I hugged her tightly. She hugged me back, as I savoured the moment. "Draco, it's not like we're not gonna hug again" she laughed. Little did she know.

I let her go, kissing her lips softly. "I'm going to miss you princess," I said, crying. "Dray, we're going to see each other soon again" she said, smiling. I knew the sight of me made her sad, but she didn't know. I'm too scared to let her know.

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