-06; Shower-

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Bella, October;

Draco and I have been hanging out a lot since we started dating. The yule ball is in 3 weeks, and I'm kinda hoping he would ask me properly instead of thinking that just because we're dating we'll go with each other.

I was sitting in Potions, beside Draco and Pansy. Snape was talking about a new potion we were going to make in groups. "Today, you will learn about the Draught of Living Death. The Draught of Living Death brings upon its drinker a very powerful sleep that can last indefinitely. This draught is very dangerous if not used with caution ... This is an extremely dangerous potion. Execute with maximum caution" he said.

"Read page 10-14. You can choose your groups yourself, it's groups of three" he finished, walking towards his chair and sitting down. "Wanna be in a group together?" Pansy asked, looking at me and Draco. "Sure" Draco said, looking at me with a smirk. "Don't be all clingy, Draco" Pansy said, making me laugh. Draco rolled his eyes and picked up his book.

He opened his book and began reading. Pansy did the same, but I couldn't get myself to pick up my book. Draco looked so concentrated, handsome. "Staring are we, Jones?" he asked, smirking. "N-no" I stuttered. "Relax, love," he said, laughing. I just rolled my eyes, picking up my book. "I'll give you a reason to roll those pretty eyes" Draco whispered, his mouth close to my ear.

His warm breath sent shivers down my spine. "Tense?" he asked. I could feel his smirk close to my ear. "No," I said, as a wave of confidence hit me. "No?" he asked, a devilish smirk on his face as he tried to keep his laughter in. "Stop!" I exclaimed, a smile on my face. "Will you lovebirds stop flirting and read the chapter?" Pants asked, a smug look on her face. I just rolled my eyes again, as I began reading.

- - -

It was dinner time, and I was sitting with my friends at the table. Pansy was talking about how her parents wanted to adopt a child, since they felt like Pansy shouldn't be an only child anymore. Blaise was the one that listened mostly. Me and Draco were fixated at each other instead.

"Lovebirds, stop flirting. I see the way you look at each other" I blushed at Pansy's comment, not being able to hold in my giggle. "It's his fault! He was looking at me first!" I giggled. He let out a chuckle, as he kept eating. Pansy kept talking about the maybe new sibling she was getting.

I have a younger brother. He's 10 and starts Hogwarts next year. "Hey Bella, have you gotten your dress yet?" Pansy asked, a bright smile on her face. "No, I haven't" I said, giving her a smile. "We could go this weekend, you know!" she said, a huge smile plastered across her face.

"Sure!" I said, smiling back at her. "Wait, you and Blaise should match!" I said, as it now was my turn to have a huge smile plastered across my face. Her face lit up as she nodded, and began asking Blaise a million questions. "Meet me in the astronomy tower at 10PM, okay?" Draco asked, kissing my cheek.

I nodded, as he stood up. He smiled at me, before heading out. "Where'd he go?" Pansy asked, a confusing look on her face. "He had to go," I said, shrugging it off. "Was he okay?" Pansy asked, worriedly. "Yeah, he asked me to meet him at the Astronomy tower later tonight, and then he kissed my cheek and left," I said, smiling.

"He's probably going to plan a cute date!" Pansy exclaimed, as Blaise sighed. "He doesn't do that," Blaise said. Pansy gave him a death stare, as he shut up. "I think he's planning a cute date for you" she said, heart shapes forming in her eyes. I just rolled my eyes at her, standing up.

"I'll head to the library, grab a few books to read y'know" I said, smiling at them, as I picked up my bag. "Okay, catch you later," Pansy said, smiling. I nodded, leaving the room. I made my way towards the library, getting eyed by a couple Ravenclaws and Gryffindors.

They didn't think a Slytherin would care that much about reading, but I honestly didn't care. I stepped into the library, walking towards my favourite section of the library, Science Fiction. I loved everything about it, especially space. Or maybe the aliens? I don't know, I love both parts about it.

- - -

I sat in my dorm, waiting for the time to pass. I had figured out my outfit, and was soon going to get ready. It was about an hour until 10PM, so I decided to get ready. I stepped into the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I admired my body, as a smile came up on my face. Draco made me realise, the last time, that it's better to think positive, instead of negative about myself.

I used to do it a lot, when I was younger. He made me realise I was better than what those people talked about. I removed my clothes, turning the shower on. I removed my bra and panties, stepping into the shower. The hot water hit my forehead. The gentle feeling of the droplets of water hit my forehead.

I began washing my hair, and then my body. I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. I walked out towards my room, noticing Pansy laying on the bed. "Hey, Bella," Pansy said, a smirk on her face. "Who did you kill?" I laughed, grabbing my outfit.

"You're going to wear that?" she asked, a smile on her face as she clapped her hands in excitement. I nodded, walking into the bathroom and locking the door. I put on the dress. (top of chapter). Pansy knocked on the door, asking me "Can I see the dress?"

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