-12; Mark-

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I arrived at my manor. I was scared to enter. I stood before the tall building, hoping they would forget about me and I'll be gone. Gone from this world. That sounded oddly like I'm about to die.

I won't die, but this is going to change my entire life. It's going to scar me. No one would think that Draco Lucius Malfoy is scared. But I am. I started walking towards the big doors, knocking on them. I live here, but still.

"Draco dear!" my mother exclaimed, bringing me into a hug. "I missed you so much!" she said. I hugged her back. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I tried stopping your father, but he didn't change his mind.

I nodded at her. "At least you tried, right?" I said as she gave me a soft smile. "Draco," my father's strict voice echoed. "Father," I said, not wanting to make eye contact. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, as I nodded.

Yes is the only acceptable answer when it comes to him, unless it's if I was asked to talk. I entered the mansion, making my way towards the stairs. "I'll be in my room," I said, heading upstairs.

I laid down on my bed, scared of what would happen. My soft silk sheets made me relax. They reminded me of her soft touch. I had laid in my bed for about half an hour, when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," I muttered, looking towards the door. My mother opened the door, stepping into my room. She walked to my bed. "I'm so sorry Draco, I'll try my best to talk to your father, in hope of you not getting too many tasks," she said.

I smiled at her worriedness. She was the only family member who actually cared for me. "Thank you mother," I said. "Dinner's in an hour, your father will be doing work, so it's just you and me," she smiled.

She left my dorm, when an owl came. Her owl. I opened the window, allowing her snow white owl to come into my bedroom. The owl carried a package, and a letter. Did she get me something?

I took the package and letter from the owl, petting her. I gave her a treat, as she patiently sat in my room, watching me open the letter.

Dear Dray,

I hope you arrived safely at your house, and please, try to not think too much of me, you'll only miss me more. I'm missing you too. I hope Arabella arrived with your package. There's a gift for you in it. You can keep it at the manor, or bring it with you wherever.

PS: I hope it fits <3

Love, your Bella.

I smiled at her handwriting, putting it on my desk. I removed the ribbon from the gift, packing it up. It was one of her sweaters. It smelled just like her. It made me feel better. Her smell.

"Draco!" my mother yelled from downstairs. "Dinner," she finished, as I got out of my chair, and made my way downstairs. Death eaters were seated at the dining table, with the dark lord at the end.

I gulped, walking towards the open seat beside my mother. "It's going to be okay," my mother whispered, as my mother rubbed my arm. "Alright, you can eat now," my mother said.

They all began eating as I didn't have an appetite. I was just playing with my food. No one talked. It made it all more terrifying. The dark lord sat at the end of the table, staring at me.

I badly want to give him an attitude, but I can't. He's strict, dangerous. He doesn't want anything other than bring pain to others. To have loyal followers.

This is going to ruin my relationship with Bella. We all ate finished. The house elves came and grabbed the plates, bringing them to the kitchen. "Draco, you know what we brought you here?"

I gulped and nodded. "Come here, boy" the dark lord said, making me walk towards him. My mother had tears running down her cheeks. She was about to witness the worst thing ever.

He grabbed my wrist tightly, bringing his wand towards it. I cried silently. This ruins everything. "Oh you don't want this?" he said, chuckling. His eyes shew nothing but darkness.

"Too bad," he said, muttering a spell. I screamed in excruciating pain. My mother had her hands up to her ears, covering them while I screamed. I looked down to my wrist, seeing the mark.

Everything goes down now. The snake moved slightly under my skin, as the mark now showed completely. Tears left my eyes as he let go off my arm.

All that was on my mind at this point was Bella. My sweet sweet Bella. "Go sit down," the dark lord said, pointing to my seat. I nodded, walking towards my seat.

"I'll be dealing out tasks. As you know, most of you, the war, towards Hogwarts will take place in a few months. I need you," he pointed to me. "To fix the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement"

"Okay," I muttered emotionless. He kept dealing out tasks for the rest of the death eaters, as I was just waiting for it all to end. "Lastly, my daughter will be joining Hogwarts, as an insider"

I gulped. Now I have to tell Bella. She's going to leave me. He dismissed us, making me walk fast to my room. I locked the door, flopping down on my bed.

- - -

The weekend passed by pretty quickly, and I'm already going back to Hogwarts. I figured I'll try to keep our relationship going, to a max. She can't know about the mark, nor why I skip classes.

I sat on the train on my way to Hogwarts. Just questioning everything. 'Why me?' replayed in my head probably a million times... I threw my head back in frustration.

How am I supposed to do this? How do I hide the mark? Everything was do overwhelming. My mark is still sensitive, she'll question me if I wince when she touches my wrist

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