-01; Common Room-

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Bella Jones;

The feeling of someone watching me, made me shiver. The past 15 minutes, I've had the feeling that someone, or something, has been watching me. I look around the courtyard, not seeing anyone. The feeling is still there, no matter where I look. I shifted in my seat, the feeling becoming uncomfortable. I'm waiting for Pansy to arrive.

We were planning on heading down to Hogsmeade, to buy some stuff. She is still not here, and she was supposed to come 15 minutes ago. I swear to god, soon I will begin looking for her. Another five minutes passed, and I figured I'd go look for her. I get up from my seat, making my way towards the castle. The big castle stands in front of me, as I look towards the doors, hoping that Pansy will come out.

To my surprise, she doesn't. I walk towards the castle, the feeling of someone watching me, slowly fading. As I enter the castle, the warmth reaches my body. My rough breaths echo's in the hall as I'm making my way towards Slytherin house. I spot a person at the end of the hall, and keep walking towards it. The closer I get, the more I realize, it's not Pansy, but Astoria. Daphne's younger sister. She's two years younger than me, and hopes to marry Draco one day, just for his money.

"Astoria, have you seen Pansy?" I ask, as I get close to her. "Not since breakfast" her voice speaks, looking around the hall. "She told me she was going to talk to Daphne about something," Astoria continued, looking at me with a smile. Sure enough, she was nice, but could easily get annoying. She's bipolar, confirmed.

"Alright, see you later, thanks" I said, leaving her in the hall as I took a left. Weird that such a small number of students were here, since it's a Saturday. Mostly Gryffindors were out of the common room, since basically the other houses had other places to be. Ravenclaw's were most likely in the library, Hufflepuff's at the quidditch field, watching the practise, and Slytherin's in the common room, either partying or just talking.

I made my way to the common room, looking around the halls on my way. Still no sign of Pansy. It was quite suspicious, thinking of the fact that she really liked showing herself off. As I stepped into the common room, the smell of muggle weed filled my nostrils. I had taken the long way to the common room, hoping to cover as much of the castle as possible.

I looked around the common room, only seeing Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott, and Adrien Pucey. Weird. She would usually hang out in the common room with Blaise. "Have you guys seen Pansy?" I asked, looking towards the three boys who were seated on the couches. Before they got to reply, the sounds of muffled moans filled my ears. "Is that her?" I asked, a disgusted look on my face.

Draco nodded, disgusted as well. I made my way over to the sitting area, plopping down on a couch. "What do you think you're doing?" Adrien's annoying voice spoke, filling the common room. "Sitting down, what do you think, dumbass?" I muttered, watching the dumbass who sat on the opposite couch. The smirk that once was on his face, faded, as Theo hit the back of his head.

"Let the pretty girl sit here," he said, looking towards me. It made me uncomfortable, the way he said it. A hint of smugness in his voice. I heard Pansy moan again, before it all came to a stop, and Pansy rushed out of Blaise's dorm. "You piece of shit!" I yelled at her. "I have been waiting for 30 minutes for you!" I said, standing up. She looked down, an embarrassed look on her face.

"Oh and by the way, we heard you" Draco said, standing up from the couch as well. As if Pansy couldn't get more embarrassed, she did. Blaise walked down to the common room, wondering why multiple of us were standing. "What happened?" he asked, a look of confusion on his face. "Forgot the silence spell?" Draco asked, looking towards the boy. "Shit" Blaise muttered.

"I'm sorry Pansy," Blaise said, looking towards her. "There's nothing we can do now is it? Can't erase the memory of every single one in this castle" she said, still looking down at the floor. "I'm really sorry, Pansy," he said, once again. Pansy just nodded, before looking up at me. "Can we go now?" she asked, the embarrassed look still on her face. I nodded, taking her arm, leading her out of the common room. 

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