"They're gone." He smirks, walking to me. "That means we have the whole house to ourself."

I roll my eyes and laugh, leaning into his chest as he embraces me tightly.

He starts to leave soft kisses down my jaw line and neck, but I wasn't feeling well enough to do this right now.

I lightly push him away, chuckling at his eagerness. "I'm not feeling well, Haz. Maybe later."

"Oh, most definitely later." He jokes smugly, leaving one last kiss on my lips before jogging up the stairs and venturing to who knows where.

I heard an upstairs door close and water start to run, he was taking a shower.

After a good ten minutes of just sitting in the kitchen and thinking, the water upstairs from the shower stopped.

Right after, Eleanor and Louis come through the door, carrying bags of groceries.

"We brought food!" Louis sang as he walked inside the house, making me smile.

Eleanor was holding a bag full of Chinese food, and that made my smile grow even more. Who doesn't love Chinese food?

Harry galloped down the stairs a few minutes later, wearing black nike joggers and pulling a grey shirt over his head as he reached the bottom.

His hair was slightly damp, the ends still having a few drops on them from his shower. He took a breath through his nose as he walked into the kitchen, noticing the delicious scent of food filled the room.

"That smells amazing."

We all nod, agreeing. "What do you say we watch a film?" He asks us, his eyes locking with mine as he grins at me.

My breath was caught in my throat- I couldn't seem to look away from his stare. He was beautiful, wether he knew it or not, and the effect he had over me was overwhelming.

"I think that sounds wonderful." Louis leaves the kitchen before any of us, and I'm the first one to look away by following Louis into the other room.

It took a while for everyone to decide on one film, but we all agreed on a scary movie.

I must have been feeling brave, because all though I do enjoy horror movies, I still get quite nervous.

But somehow the reassurance that Harry was constantly giving me by wrapping his arm around my shoulders led me to believe I'd make it through one scary movie.

I was completely wrong, of course.

Half the time I had to either squint or close my eyes, sometimes I like to watch but not be able to completely see the screen.

I could feel Harry's chest vibrating every so often, I knew he was laughing at me.

I was shaken up by the time the movie ended, and Harry decided he was going to bed. I wasn't tired at all, but when Eleanor and Louis agreed I went to bed also- there's no way I'm staying down here alone.

I mean, who knows? There could be a killer waiting for me to be alone.

At that thought I quickly sprint up the stairs, following behind everyone.

Eleanor brought me a glass of water before I reached my room, and she hugged me goodnight. I felt comfortable in her embrace, I'm so thankful I have her.

When I first came here with Harry she had been the ony one who was real with me- she didn't tell me it was going to be easy, or I was going to love my stay.

She told me that it will get better, I just need to hold on and not give up because it will end up working out.

I wish I had believed her at the time, but I think I've finally reached the point where it does get better.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now