Chapter 19

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I backed away quickly. "Are you serious?"

He duplicated my actions, a little taken back. "What do you mean?"

"No, I'm not your little sex toy that you can boss around, be rude to, then fuck after. I'm not falling for this one again." I call back to him as I pick up my heels again and begin walking away into the streets of London, but he continues to follow me.

"Falling for what?" He laughs out, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to him. "I'm not making you fall for anything."

"Really Harry? You're not? Because it looks to me as if you're going to call me a bitch and be a douche bag, accuse me of flirting with a drunk guy at the bar, then you're going to come up to me and ask me to have sex with you? I'm not playing this game with you anymore."

"I'm not playing a game," He states getting defensive, "besides, you seemed pretty willing a few weeks ago. You weren't complaining when you were screaming my name."

I could feel the heat rise into my cheeks, embarrassment mixed with anger. I didn't know how to respond to that as he stood there with an angry but smug look on his face, and I couldn't keep myself calm.

I slapped him across the face as hard as I could, and it hurt my hand from the impact, I hope it hurt him more.

After the slap sounded it seemed as if there was complete silence, I have never felt more terrified in my life.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Harry screamed in my face, holding his cheek.

I quickly walk away, almost breaking into a jog when I hear him yelling after me.

But I didn't listen, I didn't turn around once. I was done with him, Alec was right. This is all just an illusion, I need to get away from this place and these people.

I maneuvered around people on the sidewalk and objects in my way, moving through the surprisingly large crowds at this late of an hour.

After a few minutes of walking in the rain I ran into a cute boutique to warm up quickly, and to buy a jacket since I was freezing in this outfit.

I was wearing a strapless dress, which I now realize was a bad decision.

I picked out a hooded, black leather jacket, and went up to the front of the shop where an old woman was standing with a large, warm grin on her face.

"Hello sweetie, how can I help you?"

I smile back at her. "Yes, hi. I'd just like to buy this jacket." I respond holding it up, and she takes it with a smile, taking off the tags.

"Here, put it on now. You must be freezing hun." She hands it to me, and I give her the money owed.

"Oh! And before I forget, would you like some hot chocolate? I just made it, and I accidentally made myself way too much!" She laughs, beginning to walk towards the back of the store. " I can't drink it all on my own! And besides, it's absolutely freezing out there, I don't want you to catch a cold!"

I nod before chuckling at her kindness as she goes into the back for a few minutes and comes out with a cup of hot chocolate and a warm cookie.

"You have a nice night, stay warm out there!" She softly says after I thank her for everything then begin leaving the store.

"You too!" I yell back as I open up the door, and she gives me a genuine smile and a wave.

What a sweet lady, I definitely needed that right now. I haven't been around much positive energy lately.

Unstable [Harry Styles AU]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें