Chapter 27

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I had never heard Harry speak with this tone of voice for as long as I've known him, he was flustered and confused. 

"Harry, I'm pregnant." I repeat, my voice going higher since I was more nervous now then before.

"No, I know what you said." He sits up straighter, lacing his fingers through his hair. "I'm just having a hard time taking it in." 

He stands up, looking out into the water for a few seconds before looking at the ground right beside me.

"I'm sorry I took you." He chose his words carefully as he starts to walk away from me.

I quickly stand up, the tears brimming at my eyes as he walks towards the house. "Please don't tell me that." My voice is weak as he turns around to face me. "I can't hear that from you, not right now." 

"I should have never done it, it was a mistake. I'm sorry I did this to you." He exhales deeply and silence fills the air. He still doesn't look me in the eyes, but continued to stare at the ground in front of me.

"No, this wasn't a mistake Harry!" My voice is strong, but a lump forms in my throat. I'm able to get the next few words out, but only as a soft whisper  "I love you." 

From those words, his eyes look up to meet mine. I felt a beam of hope inside of me, maybe he feels the same way, but that feeling soon went away as I saw the look in his eyes.

It wasn't disgust, and it was surprise, but it was a look of sympathy. He felt sorry for me.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, tearing his eyes away and walking inside, leaving me alone.

I crumble to the ground, not caring that my tears were probably going to mess up my make up. I take a deep breath, calming myself down.

I told Harry I love him.

It's true of course, but he obviously does not feel the same way, and that made me just feel stupid. I was standing there, telling a man who said himself he could never have feelings for anyone, that I do love him. 

I take one look out at the vast lake in front of me, a beautiful view gone to waste.

I drag myself inside, not wanting to be in this dress anymore, and Harry is no where in sight. 

I walk up to the bathroom, jumping out of my dress and changing into sleeping clothes. I wash my face, brushing out my hair and putting it into a messy bun.

Wiping away my tears, I climb into the empty bed and lay down on my side, the strange feeling of no one laying next to me.

The one thing that kept repeating in my mind all night, keeping me awake most of the time, was that Harry said I was a mistake.

Not those exact words, but taking me was a mistake. This is all a mistake.

I don't think I've ever felt this sick to my stomach in a while.


When I wake up the next morning, Harry still isn't beside me. The familiar feeling from last night returns, and I try to fight back the wetness threatening to escape my eyes.

It takes everything I have in me to get out of bed and not just lay here for a few hours, but on the plus side I'm grateful I'm not running to the bathroom with morning sickness.

As I walk down stairs, the house seems quiet. It's so different from just days before when we arrived, it seemed so beautiful. Now, sadly, it's full of emptiness.

I walk into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water and taking a sip, glancing out the kitchen window.

When I first came here, everything was new to me. Harry, his house, the boys and their girlfriends, and this life I'm living now.

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