Chapter 10

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The drive was taking forever, even though it was probably only a fifteen minute ride. I memorized everything I saw, it would be nice to know where I was so I can trace my steps and hopefully get to a place that I recognize.

I look out the windows, and to my left I see the club we had gone to the first day I came here.

Perfect, now I have an idea of where we are.

We pass a few more shops and a mall, and now we're driving down an empty road with a house at the end of it.

Like all of the houses these boys seem to have, it was massive. Something I'd never be able to afford in my lifetime, even though my parents had been extremely well-off, they wouldn't ever be able to afford them either.

Another thing all these men had in common with their houses was they are all in secluded areas.

"What are you looking at?" I turn my head to Alec, who's still holding on to my waist.

"Nothing." I roll my eyes and scoot closer to Lucas, who suddenly opens his eyes and sits up abruptly. He must've been sleeping.

The car comes to a stop, and both Alec and Lucas open the car doors and step out. Alec turns around and extends his hand out to me, making me scoff and step out myself.

Is he serious?

I walk up to the front door behind Lucas, and he puts a key in the lock before stepping inside. I follow him in, and stand there awkwardly. I feel so out of place here, I don't belong with these people.

There was another guy sitting on the couch, and he had brown hair with blue eyes. He didn't look intimidating, I wonder if he was in Alec's gang.

Are you dumb? Of course he's in his gang, why the hell else would he be here?

I roll my eyes, taking a few steps further into the house because I'm pushed by Alec from behind.

After a few seconds he turns to look at me and smiles. "I'm Tyler." He says from across the room, and I smile back, but I'm taken away by Alec who grabs the top of my arm and pulls me out of the room.

I want to throw open the door and run away, but I feel like I won't get far this time.

Not that I got very far last time either, though.

I'll text Kaylin the moment Alec leaves me alone and we can meet somewhere. Hopefully I'll get the chance. I don't want to spend another day here, let alone a few minutes.

I've made the decision to move once I get back to the apartment. I'm done with this mess and I'm going leave. I don't really think I have any other options, really.

It's either stay and live in fear everyday hoping that neither of the gangs will find me, which they probably will, or just move and forget everything happened.

I like option two.

"I'll show you where we'll be staying." Alec winks at me as he pulls me up the stairs.

It's like a replay of the first night I came to Harry's.

When we walk into the room he slams the door shut and twists something on the doorknob.

Did he lock it?

"Now that were alone-" He turns around and strides up to me. "-we can finally get down to business." I give him the most scared and disgusted look I've ever given anyone.

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