Chapter 15

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(Does get sexual, another warning!!)


I placed my glass down, which was filled with a liquor that Eleanor gave to me.

I'm not a huge drinker, especially since I'm only 19, but it was definitely a hard liquor. It does have a fruity taste, though.

Since we were in England the drinking age was 18.

I wondered where Harry was as Louis came over and sat in between Eleanor and I, putting his arms around us.

"What a lovely night, am I right ladies? It's been a great birthday." He mumbles with a slight slur, his breath smelling like alcohol.

"Lou, you're drunk babe." She explains while chuckling.

"I know, it's a special occasion!" He replies jumping up to his feet and stumbling out into the kitchen.

"He's hammered." Eleanor laughs with me- it wasn't very funny, but there was just an amazing feeling in the air, and right now everyone was enjoying it.

Or maybe it was because we both had a bit too much to drink, also.

But nonetheless, it felt light and cheery, a feeling that has never come since I've been here. Every one was smiling, having a good time. Everyone except Harry- where is he?

"I'm going to find Harry." I announce to Eleanor, but she wasn't even in the same room as me anymore, so i was talking to no one.

I walk out to the kitchen, a slim moment of feeling dizzy passes by and I'm good to go.

"Hey Lou? Do you know where Harry is?" I approach Louis, making him turn around to face me.

"Well I just talked to him upstairs actually, he should be in your room."  I smile and thank him, then slowly make my way upstairs to our shared bedroom. I peek through the door, seeing his faded figure, dimly lit by the moons glow from the windows around him.

"Harry?" I call out when the door is fully open, and his head looks up to me.

"What?" He snaps back, his eyebrows furrowed together like he was mad. What did I do?

I took a step back, afraid he would get angrier, and immediately his face softened.

"What, Jules?" He asks calmer this time, composing himself.

"I was, uh," I look down at the ground and focus on my feet, which are suddenly interesting. "I was just wondering when you were going to come down."

I look up and he's staring right at me, his face is anything but calm. He looks drunk, tired, frustrated- not good combinations with Harry.

"It's your best friends birthday, Harry. You should join us." I respond with more courage, but also trying to sound as gentle as I can.

"I should? Don't tell me what I should do Jules, I can do what I want." He returns annoyed and then turns around completely- his back facing me.

I roll my eyes at his stubbornness, and I myself start to get annoyed. He's bringing my mood down now, too.

"Harry don't turn this into something it's not. I was just saying you should come downstairs, but by all means you can stay up here alone in your room and get drunk all night. That sounds fun- drink up!" I reply sarcastically before throwing my hand up and turning around, about to leave the room until his voice stops me.

"I fucking dare you to leave this room, Jules. Don't ever turn your back to me."

I spin around sharply, and slam the door behind me.

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